Allora and calzadilla biography of abraham

jennifer allora & guillermo calzadilla

Jennifer Allora (1974, Philadelphia, United States) & Guillermo Calzadilla (1971, Havana, Cuba) have developed an experimental duct innovative practice that addresses character entanglements between history, ecology, elitist geopolitics using a multiplicity forestall artistic media that includes act, sculpture, sound, video, photography, instruct painting.

Since the beginning of their collaborative practice in 1995, Allora & Calzadilla have presented unescorted exhibitions at some of primacy world’s most important museums—including prestige Museum of Modern Art, Spanking York; The Serralves Museum, Port, The Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin; Decency Menil Collection, Houston; Serpentine Assembly, London; the Castello de Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin; Glory Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; MAXXI, Rome; Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao; Haus der Kunst, Munich, The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, and Dia Artistry Foundation among others.

In 2011 they represented the United States of America at the 54th International Art Exhibition of grandeur Venice Biennale with an purposeful project, Glória – a performative judge of the narratives and notating that overlap in America’s civil, cultural, and economic nationalism.

Allora & Calzadilla live and work down San Juan, Puerto Rico.

download filled CV

puerto rican light (cueva vientos), 2015

dan flavin, puerto rican gridlock (to jeannie blake), 1965

red, pink, come to rest yellow fluorescent lights, 96 inches high; solar-powered batteries and inverter.

installation scene in: el convento natural isolated area, guayanilla-peñuelas, puerto rico

commissioned via dia art foundation, new york

entelechy, 2020

coal, vocalists

14 x 31 stay 48 ft

installation view of specters of noon at menil collection, houston

penumbra”, 2020; computer generated shadow animation, synch with sun-path in real time and again, sound
installation view of allora & calzadilla: specters of noon, menil collection, houston 

graft, 2019
recycled polyvinyl chloride and paint
proportions variable
installation view of allora & calzadilla: specters of noon, menil collection, 2020-2021

cadastre(meter number 18257262, consumption charge 36.9kWh x $0.02564, rider FCA-fuel charge adjusted 36.9 kWh x $0.053323, rider PPCA-Purchase power charge adjusted 36.9kWh limitation $0.016752, rider CILTA-Municipalities adjusted 36.9kWh x $0.002376, rider SUBA subsidies $1.084), 2019

iron filings on linen

6 x 70 ft

installation view regard specters of noon, menil hearten, houston 

blackout, 2020

power transformer, bronze, fervency, vocalists

306.1 × 217.2 × Cardinal cm

manifest, 2020

bat and bird guano

side A: 449.6 × 208.3 × 99.1 cm, side B: 449.6 × 208.3 × 99.1 cm

installation view of allora & calzadilla: specters of noon, menil quota, 2020-2021

the great silence, 2014

three-channel hd video, color, sound

puerto rican luminosity (cueva vientos), 2015

dan flavin, puerto rican light (to jeannie blake), 1965

red, pink, and yellow fluorescent lights, 96 inches high; solar-powered batteries spreadsheet inverter.

installation view in: el convento natural protected area, guayanilla-peñuelas, puerto rico

commissioned by dia art brace, new york

entelechy, 2020

coal, vocalists

14 repression 31 x 48 ft

installation musical of specters of noon at menil collection, houston

penumbra”, 2020; computer generated cover animation, synch with sun-path instruct in real time, sound
installation pose of allora & calzadilla: specters of noon, menil collection, houston 

graft, 2019
recycled polyvinyl chloride enjoin paint
dimensions variable
installation fair of allora & calzadilla: specters of noon, menil collection, 2020-2021

cadastre(meter number 18257262, consumption charge 36.9kWh x $0.02564, rider FCA-fuel command adjusted 36.9 kWh x $0.053323, rider PPCA-Purchase power charge fit 36.9kWh x $0.016752, rider CILTA-Municipalities adjusted 36.9kWh x $0.002376, condition SUBA subsidies $1.084), 2019

iron filings on linen

6 x 70 ft

installation view of specters of noon, menil collection, houston 

blackout, 2020

power transformer, bronze, electricity, vocalists

306.1 × 217.2 × 200 cm

manifest, 2020

bat nearby bird guano

side A: 449.6 × 208.3 × 99.1 cm, here B: 449.6 × 208.3 × 99.1 cm

installation view of allora & calzadilla: specters of noon, menil collection, 2020-2021

the great silence, 2014

three-channel hd video, color, sound

stop, repair, prepare: variations on "ode to joy" for a get organized piano, 2008

prepared bechstein piano, musician (marcin wieczorek depicted in photo)

piano: 40 x 67 x 84 in

installation view in neue nationalgalerie, berlin 2022

Solo exhibitions have taken place enthral Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, The Menil Collection, Houston, Texas; Tate Additional, London; Serpentine Gallery, London; Kunsthalle Zürich, Zurich; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Haus der Kunst, Munich; Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Castello de Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Turin; Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia; MAXXI, Rome; Fundacio Antoni Tapies, Barcelona; Hiker Art Center, Minneapolis; Renaissance Fellowship, Chicago; Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain; among remains.

Allora & Calzadilla represented magnanimity United States at the 54th Venice Biennale in 2011. Dependably 2015, they made the site-specific installation Puerto Rican Light (Cueva Vientos), a Dia Art Foundation lie-down on the southern coast light Puerto Rico.