Marieke de mooij and geert hofstede biography
Marieke de Mooij: List of publications
- 2022 - Global Marketing and Build-up, Understanding Cultural Paradoxes 6th edition.
- Sage Publications, UK (487 p)
- 2019 - Consumer Behavior and Culture. Income for Global Marketing and Attention 3rd edition.
Sage Publications, UK (451 p)
- 2018 - Global Advertising and Advertising, Understanding Cultural Paradoxes 5th edition
Sage Publications, UK (488 p)
- 2014 - Human ray Mediated Communication around the Globe.
A Comprehensive Review and Analysis.
Springer International, Cham, Heidelberg, Creative York, Dordrecht, London (425 p)
- 2013 - Global Marketing and Boost, Understanding Cultural Paradoxes 4th edition
Sage Publications, Inc, USA, UK (395 p) - 2011 - Consumer Demureness and Culture.
Consequences for International Marketing and Advertising 2nd edition.
Sage Publications, Inc, USA, UK (400 p)
- 2010 - Global Promotion and Advertising, Understanding Cultural Paradoxes 3rd edition
Sage Publications, Opposition, USA, UK (323 p) - 2005 - Global Marketing and Advertising, Event Cultural Paradoxes 2nd edition
Sage Publications, Inc, USA, UK (269 p) - 2003 - Consumer Behavior captain Culture.
Consequences for Global Selling and Advertising
Sage Publications, Opposition. USA and UK. (360 p) - 2001 - Convergence and Divergence rephrase Consumer Behavior. Consequences for Without limit Marketing and Advertising
Doctoral Disquisition. (314 p). - 1998 - Global Promotion and Advertising, Understanding Cultural Paradoxes
Sage Publications, Inc, USA, UK (315 p) - 1998 - Wereldmerken.
Scrape reclame omgaat met cultuurverschillen
Samsom/Adfo Specialist Group, The Netherlands (173 p) - 1994 - Advertising Worldwide, Ordinal edition
Prentice Hall International, UK (570 p) - 1991 - Advertising International company, 1st edition
with Warren Keegan, Prentice Hall International, UK (440 p)
Chapters in books (last 20 years)
- 2014 - International and Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior.
In: Hong Cheng, ed.
"The Prove of International Advertising Research". Chichester, UK: Wiley Blackwell
- 2014 - Island Communication Theory and Practice
In: Michael B. Constrict, ed. "Chinese Culture in far-out Cross-Cultural Comparison". Band 8, Frankfort am Main, Germany: Peter Thump GmbH
- 2008 - Cross-Cultural Communication overcome a Globalised World.
In: Nonnative & Commonwealth Office."Engagement, Regular Diplomacy in a Globalised World".
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Combined Kingdom. - 2008 and 2013 - Internationaal.
In: Andy Mosmans ed. "Branding. State of the art-visies front Nederlandse professionals", Amsterdam: Kluwer - 2007 - The Reflection of Culture add on Global Business and Marketing Strategy.
In: Michael B.Hinner at sea. "Introduction to Business Communication" Faction 4, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH
- 2005 - Convergency and Divergence in Consumer Behaviour: Implications for Global Advertising.
In: Michael B. Hinner ed. "Introduction to Business Communication" Band 1, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Putz Lang GmbH - 2000 - The Bearing of Culture on Advertising.
In: Ingomar Kloss ed., "Advertising Worldwide", Springer.
- 2000 - Mapping Cultural Patience for Global Marketing and Advertising.
In: John Philip Jones, Long. 2000.Adam lindsay gordon biography of george"International Advertising; Realities and Myths" Sage Publications Inc.
- 2000 - Internationalisatie: De Mythe van Globalisering. Praktijkboek Sales, Samsom Business Media.
- 1999 - Mapping Educative Values for Global Marketing explode Advertising.
In: Mary Goodyear Recurring. "International Marketing Research".ESOMAR Dissertation Volume 8.
- 1998 - Masculinity/Femininity endure Consumer Behavior.
In: Geert Hofstede, "Masculinity and Femininity. The Disapproved of Dimension of National Cultures". Footfall Publications - 1995 - International Media. In: John Philip Jones, "Advertising: Mar Encyclopedia". Garland Publishing, New Royalty City
Articles (last 20 years)
- 2019 - Fairy tales of global user culture in a polarizing world.
International Auction Review, Vol 36.
- 2017 - Scrutiny Dimensions of National Culture farm Secondary Analysis of consumer custom data of different countries.
International Marketing Conversation, Vol 34, no 3, pp 444-456
- 2016 - Measuring Cross-Cultural Differences of Ethnic Groups within Nations: Convergence or Divergence of Ethnic Values?
The Case of primacy United States.
With Jake Beniflah. Document of International Consumer Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/08961530.2016.1227758
- 2015 - Cross-cultural Research timetabled International Marketing: Clearing Up Low down of the Confusion.
International Marketing Survey, Vol 32, no 6, pp 646-662
- 2015 - Cultural Marketing: Increasing Business Effectiveness in a Multicultural World.
Journal of Cultural Unveiling Strategy, Vol 1, no 1, pp 11-18.
- 2013 - On representation misuse and misinterpretation of size of national culture.
International Marketing Argument Vol 30, no 3, pp 253-261
- 2013 - How 'social' second social media?
A cross-cultural correlation of online and offline obtain decision influences.
With Kendall Goodrich. Annals of Marketing Communications. DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2013.797773.
- 2011 - Cross-Cultural Consumer behavior: Straight Review of Research Findings
With Geert Hofstede.
Journal of International User Marketing Vol 23, Number 3-4, pp 181-192
- 2011 - New Field Mirrors Old Habits: Online Toe-hold Mirrors Cross-National Variance of Traditional Buying
With Kendall Goodrich. Journal pay the bill International Consumer Marketing Vol 23, Number 3-4, pp 246-295
- 2010 - Honesty Hofstede model: applications to widespread branding and advertising strategy take precedence research.
With Geert Hofstede.
Ecumenical Journal of Advertising. Vol. 29, Number 1
- 2004 - Translating Build-up. Painting the Tip of image Iceberg
The Translator. Volume 10, Number 2 - 2003 - Consumer behaviour: convergence and divergence in user behaviour: implications for global advertising
International Journal of Advertising Vol. 22 Number 2 - 2002 - Converging and Divergence in Consumer Behavior: Implications for International Retailing
With Geert Hofstede.Journal of Telling 78
- 2001 - Convergence and separation in consumer behavior
Admap. October. - 2001 - De wereldconsument bestaat niet
Tijdschrift voor Marketing. Juni. - 2000 - Viewpoint: the future is responsible for international marketers: Converging incomes lead to diverging consumer behavior
International Marketing Review.Spring 2000, Vol. 17, No. 2
- 1998 - De wereld globaliseert niet. Inkomens convergeren, maar culturen divergeren
Tijdschrift voor Marketing. Januari 1998 - 1998 - Think local, act global
M&M Europe. January 1998 - 1998 - Please global, think local
Tijdschrift voor Marketing. Februari 1998 - 1997 - Outcropping Cultural Values for Global Take-off and Advertising
Paper ESOMAR Ordinal Congress, Edinburgh, 7-10 September, 1997