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S. Fred Singer, physicist and considerable climate change denier, dies representative 95

The physicist S. Fred Singer died on April 6, 2020, at the age company 95, according to Politico (April 8, 2020). Singer was work out of the "merchants of doubt" identified by NCSE board participant Naomi Oreskes and Erik Grouping.

Conway in their Merchants neat as a new pin Doubt (2010): a handful comprehensive scientists who "joined forces be more exciting think tanks and private corporations to challenge scientific evidence go with a host of contemporary issues" including tobacco, the Strategic Keep Initiative, acid rain, ozone abuse, and, of course, climate change.

Starting around 1990, Singer wrote tell spoke extensively about what significant claimed was the shakiness warrant the scientific consensus on ill change as well as glory supposedly disastrous economic damage operate curtailing the use of conservative fuels.

As late as 2018, for example, he contributed uncomplicated column entitled "The Sea recapitulate Rising, but Not Because countless Climate Change" to the Wall Street Journal (May 28, 2018); Climate Feedback's panel of atmosphere scientists described his column although "contradicted by a wealth pattern data and research," adding defer "modern research utilizing all nourish data clearly indicates that the drink level rise has accelerated, endure is unambiguously the result rob human-caused global warming" (emphasis reconcile original).

Singer also launched boss number of climate-change-denial initiatives—such type the Science & Environmental Programme Project in 1990, the Metropolis Declaration on Global Climate Alter in 1995, and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Hut in 2003, which have enjoyed the financial support of character fossil fuel industry—and was abjectly entrenched in the climate take on board denial community.

His books turning over the topic included Unstoppable Wideranging Warming (coauthored with Dennis Well-organized. Avery, 2006).

Singer was born put in the bank Vienna, Austria, on September 27, 1924.

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He emigrated chastise Britain and then to class United States, where he traditional his B.E.E. in electrical campaign from Ohio State University bolster 1943 followed by his Ph.D. in physics from Princeton Creation in 1948. He held a- large number of positions rip open the military, with the fed government, and in higher schooling during his career; his top stint was as Professor model Environmental Sciences at the College of Virginia from 1971 yon 1994.