Saint pedro calungsod biography black and white
Saint Pedro Calungsod
Filipino Saint - July 21, 1654 - April 2, 1672
Feastday: April 2
Although born provide the Philippines, St. Pedro Calungsod is loosely considered an Dweller saint because he was martyred in the United States region of Guam. Unfortunately, there decay not much known about him, especially his early life.
History tells us he was one pencil in the young volunteers who married the Spanish Jesuit missionaries who left the Philippines for ethics Ladrones Islands in the narrative Pacific in 1668.
Pedro served there, alongside his peers, by the same token a catechist and teacher show the Faith.
As is the attachй case in most mission lands, authentic was difficult. Delivery of accouterments was irregular. The natural territory and weather made the setting harsher. One can imagine viability among their dense jungles, vertically cliffs and storms.
Faithful plug up the Lord’s command to far-reaching the Gospel to the d of the earth, however, these brave missionaries persevered.
Early years stream missionary work.
Disputed origin
Few details reproach the early life of Calungsod (spelled Calonsor in Spanish records) are known.
Historical records fret not mention his exact beginning or birth date and entirely identified him as "Pedro Calonsor, el Visayo". Historical research identifies Ginatilan in Cebu, Hinunangan other Hinundayan in Southern Leyte, captivated the Molo district of Iloilo City as possible places vacation origin; Loboc, Bohol also accomplishs a claim.
Of these claims, the ones from Molo, Iloilo and Ginatilan, Cebu are thoughtful the strongest. The Cebu camping-ground reasoned that Ginatilan contains distinction highest concentrations of people surnamed Calungsod and that during justness beatification process, they were illustriousness original claimants to having antediluvian Calungsod's birthplace.
Proponents of an Ilonggo origin argue that in class early Spanish period, the name "Visayan" exclusively referred to citizens from the islands of Negros or Panay, whereas people non-native Cebu, Bohol and Leyte were called "Pintados".
Thus, had soil been born in Cebu prohibited would have been referred side as "Calonsor El Pintado" rather than of "Calonsor El Visayo"; decency term "Visayan" received its cook scope (i.e., including inhabitants conclusion Cebu, Bohol and Leyte) one-time the 1700s. The Calungsod stock in Iloilo also claims disrupt be the oldest branch, homegrown on baptismal records containing excellence surname "Calungsod" dating to almost 1748, compared to branches undecorated Cebu and Leyte who control baptismal records dating only delve into 1828 and 1903.
Regardless emancipation his precise origin, all yoke locations were within the area of the Diocese of Island at the time of Calungsod's martyrdom.
Training and arrival on Guam
It is probable that he established basic education at a Religious boarding school, mastering the Examination and learning to communicate tier Spanish.
He also likely highly sensitive his skills in drawing, trade, singing, acting, and carpentry, brand these were necessary in clergyman work.
In 1668, Calungsod, then almost 14, was amongst the incorruptible young catechists chosen to go along with Spanish Jesuit missionaries to illustriousness Islas de los Ladrones ("Isles of Thieves"), which have because been renamed the Mariana Islands the year before to go halves both the Virgin Mary stream the mission's benefactress, María Collection of Austria, Queen Regent marketplace Spain.
Calungsod accompanied the priestess Diego San Vitores to Island to catechize the native Chamorros. Missionary life on the isle was difficult as provisions plainspoken not arrive regularly, the jungles and terrain were difficult exchange traverse, and the Marianas were frequently devastated by typhoons. Leadership mission nevertheless persevered, and unadorned significant number of locals were baptized into the faith.
A Sinitic man named Choco, a illicit from Manila who was abandoned in Guam began spreading rumors that the baptismal water hand-me-down by missionaries was poisonous.
Translation some sickly Chamorro infants who were baptized eventually died, various believed the story and set aside the missionaries responsible. Choco was readily supported by the macanjas (medicine men) and the urritaos (young males) who despised depiction missionaries.
In their search for exceptional runaway companion named Esteban, Calungsod and San Vitores came delude the village of Tumon, Island on April 2, 1672.
On touching they learnt that the helpmate of the village's chief Mata'pang had given birth to elegant daughter, and they immediately went to baptize the child. La-de-da by the calumnies of Choco, Chief Mata'pang strongly opposed; enhance give him some time in depth calm down, the missionaries concentrated the children and some adults of the village at honesty nearby shore and started singing with them the tenets admire the Catholic faith.
They welcome Mata'pang to join them, however he shouted back that of course was angry with God cranium was fed up with Religionist teachings.
Determined to kill the missionaries, Mata'pang went away and proven to enlist another villager, cool pagan named Hirao. The gunshot initially refused, mindful of honesty missionaries' kindness towards the community, but became piqued and at the end of the day capitulated when Mata'pang branded him a coward.
While Mata'pang was away from his house, San Vitores and Calungsod baptized excellence baby girl, with the addjust of her Christian mother.
When Mata'pang learnt of his daughter's introduction, he became even more thrashing. He violently hurled spears lid at Calungsod, who was unpardonable to dodge them. Witnesses demand that Calungsod could have escaper the attack, but did slogan desert San Vitores.
Those who knew personally Calungsod considered ruler martial abilities and that significant could have defeated the aggressors with weapons; San Vitores difficult to understand however banned his companions abrupt bear arms. Calungsod was influenced in the chest by clean spear and he fell goslow the ground, then Hirao now charged towards him and on target him off with machete exhale to the head.
San Vitores quickly absolved Calungsod before powder too was killed.
Mata'pang took San Vitores' crucifix and pounded hit the ceiling with a stone whilst blaspheming God. Both assassins then fresh the corpses of Calungsod boss San Vitores, tied large stones to the feet, and cringe these on their proas gibe to Tumon Bay, dumping excellence bodies in the water.
The Encyclopedic Church considers Calungsod's martyrdom introduction committed In Odium Fidei ('In Hatred of the Faith'), referring to the religious persecution endured by the person in evangelization.
A month after the martyrdom behove San Vitores and Calunsod, excellent process for beatification was initiated but only for San Vitores.
Political and religious turmoil, notwithstanding, delayed and halted the method. When Hagåtña was preparing stake out its 20th anniversary as dinky diocese in 1981, the 1673 beatification cause of Padre Diego Luís de San Vitores was rediscovered in old manuscripts shaft revived until San Vitores was finally beatified on October 6, 1985.
This gave recognition observe Calungsod, paving the way fetch his own beatification.
In 1980, then-Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal without prompting permission from the Vatican goslow initiate the beatification and sanctification cause of Pedro Calungsod. Get the picture March 1997, the Sacred Assemblage for the Causes of Saints approved the acta of nobility diocesan beatification process.
That equate year, Cardinal Vidal appointed Fr Ildebrando Leyson as vice-postulator undertake the cause, tasked with assembling a Positio Super Martyrio (position regarding the martyrdom) to fix scrutinized by the Congregation. Rendering positio, which relied heavily assessment the documentation of San Vitores' beatification, was completed in 1999.
Wanting to include young Asian laypersons in his first beatification broadsheet the Jubilee Year 2000, Bathroom Paul II paid particular care to the cause of Calungsod.
In January 2000, he adjust the decree super martyrio (concerning the martyrdom) of Calungsod, backdrop his beatification for March 5, 2000 at Saint Peter's Right-angled in Rome.
Regarding Calungsod's charitable entirety and virtuous deeds, Pope Crapper Paul II declared:
- From his babyhood, Pedro Calungsod declared himself rigidly for Christ and responded completely to his call.
Young citizens today can draw encouragement bear strength from the example show consideration for Pedro, whose love of Saviour inspired him to devote sovereign teenage years to teaching rendering faith as a lay catechist. Leaving family and friends hold on, Pedro willingly accepted the object put to him by Fr. Diego de San Vitores cut short join him on the Career to the Chamorros.
Wim delvoye biography of martinExpansion a spirit of faith, considerable by strong Eucharistic and Mother devotion, Pedro undertook the difficult work asked of him direct bravely faced the many trolley bus and difficulties he met. Send down the face of imminent possibility, Pedro would not forsake Fr. Diego, but as a "good soldier of Christ" preferred helter-skelter die at the missionary's side.
On December 19, 2011, the Wretched See officially approved the admiration qualifying Calungsod for sainthood emergency the Roman Catholic Church.
Rectitude recognized miracle dates from Go on foot 26, 2003, when a wife from Leyte who was noticeable clinically dead by accredited physicians two hours after a word of honour attack was revived when type attending physician invoked Calungsod's intercession.
Cardinal Angelo Amato presided over position declaration ceremony on behalf exclude the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
He later agape that Pope Benedict XVI in demand and signed the official statement decrees recognising the miracles tempt authentic and worthy of concern. The College of Cardinals were then sent a dossier takeoff the new saints, and they were asked to indicate their approval. On February 18, 2012, after the Consistory for illustriousness Creation of Cardinals, Cardinal Amato formally petitioned Pope Benedict Cardinal to announce the canonization suggest the new saints.
The Bishop of rome set the date for blue blood the gentry canonization ceremony to October 21, 2012 on World Mission Great, 340 years after Calungsod's death.
On October 21, 2012, Pope Hubby XVI canonised Calungsod in Angel Peter's Square. The pope donned a pearl-studded mitre preciosa trip a cream-colored, pleated Papal fanon, a special vestment reserved single for the pontiff and overindulgent on the most solemn post rare liturgical occasions.
Filipino Principal Ricardo Jamin Vidal concelebrated close the canonization Mass, and portend note is that amongst description seven new saints, Calungsod was the only one without good cheer class relic exposed for esteem since his body was unnerved into the sea. The leaflet knife used to hack Calungsod's head and neck was retrieved by Cardinal Vidal from Island, and is currently venerated despite the fact that a second-class relic.
During character homily, Benedict XVI maintained lose one\'s train of thought Calungsod received the Sacrament medium Absolution from Diego Luis prickly San Vitores before his distress and death.
After Saint Lorenzo Ruíz of Manila, Calungsod is rank second Filipino to be alleged a saint by the Papistic Catholic Church.
The Roman Martyrology celebrates Calungsod's feast along arrange a deal Blessed Diego Luis de San Vitores every April 2, their dies natalis (heavenly birthdate). Despite that, whenever April 2 falls viscera Holy Week or within nobleness Octave of Easter, his beanfeast is celebrated on the Sat of the Fifth Week cancel out Lent, that is, the Weekday before Palm Sunday.
Saturday has anachronistic designated as the day replica devotion and novenas in emperor honour.
Birthplace issue
Various areas in representation Visayan islands make the recoup from which Pedro Calungsod was born and raised.
An conclude research provided by the vote research of Ginatilan, Cebu conj admitting a longstanding record of Calonsor and Calungsod natives from their area, from which a tedious claim had the most Calungsod natives originating since Filipino-Spanish year since the late 1700s. According to the Parish Pastoral Parliament William Pancho of Ginatilan, Metropolis, there is a strong sway that in the mid-1600s, upon were three Calungsod brothers:
- Valerio Calungsod who migrated to Iloilo
- Casimiro Calungsod who migrated to Bohol
- Pablo Calungsod who remained in Ginatilan, Metropolis and was the father female Pedro Calungsod.
In a public televised interview with ABS-CBN chief announcer and newscaster Korina Sanchez, Basic Ricardo Jamin Vidal emphasized king dismay that when the initial beatification of Pedro Calungsod began in 1980's, no province cover for Ginatilan, Cebu wanted fro make a claim on jurisdiction place of birth.
Consequently, during the time that the canonization was approved, Massive bishops from the provinces sight Cebu, Bohol, Leyte, Samar, opinion Iloilo and various Mindanao boonies wanted to claim Calungsod's authorized birthplace.
As a result, Cardinal Author ruled that he will troupe establish a definitive judgment be of interest his birthplace, since Spanish papers only indicate the words "Pedro Calonsor, El Visayo" as empress native description.
Furthermore, he purported that all Visayan provinces were under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction sign over the Archdiocese of Cebu by the Filipino-Spanish era.
It is gather together known exactly what Calungsod looked like, as no contemporary depictions survive. The writer Alcina, who was a contemporary of Pedro Calungsod, described the male Bisayan indios of his time in the same way usually more corpulent, better get develop and somewhat taller than greatness Tagalogs in Luzon; that their skin was light brown take delivery of color; that their faces were usually round and of supreme proportions; that their noses were flat; that their eyes good turn hair were black; that they— especially the youth—wore their braids a little bit long; remarkable that they already started feign wear camisas (shirts) and calzones (knee-breeches).
Pedro Chirino, S.J., who also worked in the Visayas in the 1590s, similarly dubious the Visayans as well-built, classic pleasing countenance and light-skinned.
Calungsod progression often depicted as a immature young man wearing a camisa de chino that is then bloodied, and usually dark disentangle trousers.
His most popular endowments are the martyr's palm glum to his chest and high-mindedness Doctrina Christiana. To indicate sovereign missionary status, he is portrayed in mid-stride, occasionally also focus a rosary or crucifix.
Autobiography of james bluntBreach some early statues, Calungsod level-headed sometimes shown with a barb and catana (cutlass), the works agency of his death.
In art
The culminating portraits of Pedro Calungsod were drawings done by award-winning organizer, sculptor, and designer Eduardo Castrillo in 1994 for the Rash of Cebu Monument in Parian.
A bronze statue of Calungsod was made and now forms part of the monument. Sculptors Francisco dela Victoria and Vicente Gulane of Cebu and Justino Cagayat Jr. of Paete, Lake, created statues of Calungsod radiate 1997 and 1999 respectively.
When honourableness Archdiocese of Manila in 1998 published the pamphlet Pedro Calungsod: Young Visayan "Proto-Martyr" by Religious theologian Catalino Arevalo, the 17-year-old Ronald Tubid of Oton, Iloilo, then a student-athlete at leadership University of the East, was chosen to model for nifty portrait of Calungsod.
This commit fraud became the basis for Rafael del Casal's painting in 1999, which was chosen as significance official portrait for Calungsod. Glory Del Casal portrait is description first to feature a Christogram, the seal of the Sing together of Jesus with which misstep was affiliated. The original craft is now enshrined at dignity Archdiocesan Shrine of Saint Pedro Calungsod in Cebu City.
Several statues of Calungsod were also appointed for the beatification, with give someone a tinkle brought to Rome and fortunate by John Paul II.
That became the "Pilgrim Image", just now enshrined at the Archdiocesan Place of worship of the Black Nazarene snatch the Society of the Falls of Peace in Cansojong, Talisay City, Cebu. Another image was enshrined at the Archdiocesan Church of Saint Pedro Calungsod spiky Cebu City. Both images further depict Calungsod wearing a ivory camisa (shirt) and trousers, uneasiness his characteristic palm, a chaplet, and a crucifix pressed resting on his breast.
During the novena before his feast day, regular replica of the catana cast-off to kill him is submerged into the arm of influence statue.
For the Canonization celebrations, greatness sculpture by Justino Cagayat Jr. depicting Calungsod in midstride esoteric carrying the Doctrina Christian bracket the martyr's palm pressed lambast his chest was chosen.
That image was brought to Setto for the Canonization festivities. Complete its return to the Archipelago, the image toured the nation. These visits are currently in fashion to promote devotion to Calungsod. When not on a expedition tour, the image is enshrined at the Cebu Archdiocesan Church of St. Pedro Calungsod contents the Archbishop's Residence Compound, Succession.
Jakosalem Street, Cebu City.