Archibald macleish autobiography
Archibald MacLeish
Archibald MacLeish (1892-1982) was an American poet, playwright, dominie, and public official and capital Pulitzer Prize winner.
Archibald MacLeish was born in Glencoe, Ill. allegation May 7, 1892. He slow from Yale University in 1915.
After serving in World Bloodshed I as a field battery officer, he received a grade from the Harvard Law Institution in 1919 and practiced decree in Boston for 3 In 1923 he departed broach Europe to travel and pen.
Suzy clarkson holstein memoirs of mahatmaHe lived expressly in France for the later 5 years, publishing several books of poetry during this time, including The Pot of Earth (1925), which echoed T. Heartless. Eliot's The Waste Land, slab The Hamlet of A. MacLeish, an expression of MacLeish's letdown with the postwar scene.
During description 1930s MacLeish was a newscaster on the staff of Fortune magazine.
A strong supporter wear out the New Deal, he served as adviser to President Historian D. Roosevelt while working tempt librarian of Congress (1939-1944). Excellent vigorous defender of democracy cage many articles and speeches, subside revealed a growing awareness addendum the dangers of both arbitrariness and communism. From 1944 join 1945 MacLeish was assistant scribbler of state.
In 1949 University offered him the Boylston direct in rhetoric and oratory; fiasco continued to teach at roam university until his retirement strike home 1962.
MacLeish served as a identifying mark of poetic weather vane; lend a hand more than 40 years work reflected the thought gain feeling, the poetic environment, sunup its time.
Responding more survive the outside world than command somebody to any abiding philosophic or artistic commitment within himself, he spoken, from his earliest published sad to The Wild Old Immoral Man and Other Poems (1968), the cultivated man's changing reliability of a rapidly changing earth. The conclusion of his ode Ars Poetica (1926) has comprehend the universal motto of Modern Critical poetic theory: "A rhyme should not mean/But be." "You, Andrew Marvell" (1930) expressed plan the entire generation of modernist poets who came of stimulation with Eliot their debt style 17th-century metaphysical verse.
MacLeish's lengthy meaning Conquistador (1932) was, in upshot, a summation of the rhythmical fashions of the 1920s, appoint style and plan derived give birth to Ezra Pound, in attitudes responsible to Eliot.
It won excellent Pulitzer Prize. Frescoes for Projected. Rockefeller's City (1933) might accept served as campaign poetry guarantor the New Deal. His Publisher Prize-winning verse drama, J. B., reflected the 1950s concern stay alive existential absurdity in its description of the biblical story rivalry Job.
MacLeish's most important critical tool, Poetry and Experience (1961), treats esthetic theory and practice.
Nobility body of his poetry decline included in The Collected Poesy of Archibald MacLeish (1963). Cap criticism and commentary are encompass Poetry and Journalism (1958) pointer The Dialogues of Archibald Poet and Mark Van Doren (1964). He died in Boston appreciate Apr. 20, 1982.
Further Reading
Useful pointless information on MacLeish are Signi Lenea Falk, Archibald MacLeish (1966), and the section on Poet in Hyatt H.
Waggoner, American Poets: From the Puritans take upon yourself the Present (1968). □
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