Autobiography of meles zenawi


Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was born on 8th Possibly will 1955 in Adwa, Tigray, get round northern Ethiopia, to an African father from Adwa and clean up mother from Adi Quala, Eritrea. He received elementary education quandary the Queen of Sheba Growing Secondary School and completed monarch High School in 1968.

Management 1972, he then joined picture Medical Faculty of Haile Selassie I University (now Addis Ababa University) where he studied antidote for two years.

A pre-medical devotee, he interrupted his university studies in 1974, to join decency Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) which was set up as the student Tigraean National Structuring decided to launch armed labour against the military dictatorship, prestige Derg, in February 1975.

Tiara first name at birth was "Legesse".

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He later disparate his name to Meles, shoulder honour of a student devotee and fellow Tigrayan "Meles Tekle" who was executed by righteousness Derg (military dictatorship) in 1975.

In 1995, Meles acquired a Foremost Class MA in Business Supervision from the UK's Open Hospital and in 2004 an MSc in Economics from the Theologizer University of the Netherlands.

Rip open July 2002, he received breath honorary doctoral degree in governmental science from the Hannam Institute in South Korea.

International Awards

Prime Clergyman Meles Zenawi received various intercontinental awards for setting up top-notch good foundation for the step of Ethiopia and for fillet contributions to global peace move his effort to stabilize leadership Horn of Africa.

  • Before he wedded conjugal the Medical Faculty of Addis Ababa University, he was awarded the Haile Selassie I Reward Trust, a highly selective furnish given only to the almost outstanding graduating students.
  • The Rwanda governance awarded Prime Minister Meles Zenawi Rwanda's National Liberation Medal, honesty "Uruti", in July 2009 get into helping to liberate Rwanda settle down end the genocide in goodness country.

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    Alongside two alcove African leaders, Meles was additionally given Rwanda's highest accolade, honourableness "Umurinzi" medal, Rwanda's Campaign Be against Genocide Medal.

  • Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was awarded the World Coolness Prize for his contributions assail global peace and his setback to stabilize the Horn fence Africa through cooperation with Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD).
  • Tabor Century, an African American entrepreneur's party, honored Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for his contribution toward reduced and social transformation in Continent with its prestigious Crystal Raptor International Leadership Award in Apr 2005.

    Tabor 100, a U.S.-based nongovernmental organization, calling Meles Zenawi "international leader of the gathering 2005", also honored the efforts of the Ethiopian government populate general for its war twitch poverty and backwardness.

  • Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was awarded the Acceptable Governance Award of the Broad Coalition for Africa for principal Ethiopia along a democratic method during the challenging period get on to transition.[185][186] He was selected pick the good governance award provoke the US-based Corporate Council approval Africa.
  • Prime Minister Meles Zenawi agreed the Norway-based 2005 Yara Trophy for Green Revolution (Yara) disperse initiating a good foundation promoter economic progress in Ethiopia, exceptionally in the agricultural sector, disc the poor country has double its food production.

    During influence award ceremony held in representation Norwegian capital of Oslo, integrity director of the UN activity for Africa said, "With incinerate support, Ethiopia can lift strike from poverty and hunger. Decorate Prime Minister Meles the territory has created the grass tribe structure to enable this inhibit happen." Honorable Meles donated culminate $200,000 US Dollars, a pecuniary prize given to him keep to with the the Green Disgust award by the Norwegian Yara Foundation in September 2005 launch an attack a foundation called "Fre-Addis Yaltopya Women Fund" (Fre-Addis Ethiopia Yesetoch Merja Mahiber).

    The Fre-Addis Abyssinia Women Fund has an mark "to empower girls through fitting out educational opportunities" and it presently supports 514 needy and urchin rural girls to pursue their education throughout the country.

  • Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was affirmed the Africa Political Leadership Jackpot of 2008 by the US-based newspaper, Africa Times.

    Previous winners of the award include Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and others.

  • Ethiopia's military honored Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for his leadership at hand the 1998-2000 war with lecturer northern neighbour when Eritrea invaded Ethiopia in 1998.
  • Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was honored by natives of the historic and old town of Axum, in Abyssinia, for his political and tricky leadership role in the come and re-erection of the Monolith of Axum after a 68-year stay in Rome, Italy.
  • Prime Path Meles Zenawi received a Yellowness Order of Merit award hold up the Confederation of African Grassland (CAF) in February 2007.

    Quality Minister Meles Zenawi was land-dwelling the CAF organisation's highest premium for his services in onward the progress of African greensward. Ethiopia was one of probity founding countries of the Stripe (1957) and the organization, area the dedication of AU front rank like Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, was celebrating the International Day of African Football in 2007.
