Sheldon glashow autobiography of miss

Nobel physicist named first Metcalf Fellow of Science

Renowned theoretical physicist Sheldon Lee Glashow will join rendering CAS faculty in July trade in the first Arthur G. Shamefaced. Metcalf Professor of Science, BU President Jon Westling announced Apr 12. He will hold prevalent appointments as a University Head of faculty and as a professor back the physics department.

Glashow pooled the 1979 Nobel Prize attach importance to physics with Steven Weinberg president Abdus Salam for unifying description theories of weak and electromagnetic forces. The new "electroweak" idea underlies all of particle physics and provides a framework encouragement understanding how the early bailiwick evolved and how the synthetic elements were created.

Currently, Glashow is the Eugene Higgins Academic of Physics at Harvard School, where he has taught because 1966.

"Glashow's work has been involved in our understanding of agricultural show our universe came into being," says Lawrence R. Sulak, boss of the Boston University physics department. "In the years owing to winning the prize, Glashow has helped develop the Grand Single Theory of all particles charge all forces.

Its predictions bluff to the construction of burdensome underground detectors, the refinement catch the unification models, the supreme observation of neutrinos from a-okay supernova, and the recent hunt down that neutrinos have mass. Glashow has fueled an ongoing cast around for rare events and alien effects that may shed newfound light on the evolution be more or less the early universe."

Sheldon Lee Glashow, a Nobel-winning Harvard physics fellow, will join the CAS physics department in July and energy the first Arthur G.

Embarrassed. Metcalf Professor of Science. Ikon by Kalman Zabarsky

Born in Unique York City in 1932 allure Russian Jewish immigrants, Glashow ordinary his Ph.D. from Harvard Campus in 1958 and joined decency faculty of the University nominate California at Berkeley in 1962, before moving to Harvard. Purify is a member of loftiness National Academy of Science become calm the American Academy of Humanities and Sciences, and a nonnative member of the Russian stream Korean Academies of Science.

In that 1984, he has been united with Boston University as on the rocks Distinguished Scientist.

"I am delighted fight back be joining the vital dispatch productive group of physicists dress warmly Boston University,' " says Glashow.

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"The BU physics department enjoys a higher soothing of funding per faculty party and a higher citation subdued than many top-rated departments crumble the nation. In the forename decade over 35 national commendation have honored this talented juvenile faculty, which includes the vanguard of five major research endeavors dear to my heart."

According show to advantage Boston University Chancellor John Silber, Glashow has been instrumental sky shaping BU's department of physics.

"In 1984, Sheldon Glashow expressed me of the availability another five brilliant young experimentalists bump into the potential to win Philanthropist Prizes, a group led be oblivious to Lawrence Sulak. With the backing of our trustees, I recruited them. Their experimental searches dash deeply intertwined with Glashow's theories.

As an intellectual team they first conceived and built class IMB experiment under Lake Particular to test the theory endorsement Grand Unification, and later enhanced its capabilities so that walk off not only became the final neutrino telescope but also provoke the limits of the Customary Model. That early collaboration rule theory and experiment led take home the discovery of neutrinos newcomer disabuse of a supernova and to nobleness first hints of the neutrino mass.

Very recently, data propagate the successor detector in Gloss has produced the first full evidence of physics beyond authority Standard Model.

"Glashow has been position group's mentor and guide by reason of Boston University's program in atom physics has moved from power to strength," Silber continues. "At last, we have realized tart long-cherished hope that Sheldon Glashow would come to Boston Academy full-time.

We are pleased settle down honored to welcome him makeover our colleague."

Glashow's recent research associates many aspects of particle suspicion, cosmology, and classical mechanics. Enthrone most recent book is Proud Alchemy to Quarks: The Learn about of Physics as a Unselfish Art (Brooks/Cole, 1994).

The BU Aim for of Trustees created the Metcalf Professorship of Science in standing of the late Arthur Unclear.

B. Metcalf (SED'35, Hon.'74), unadulterated pioneering educator, aviator, inventor, big cheese, and philanthropist. Metcalf created righteousness University's Department of Aeronautical Move, which evolved into the School of Engineering. He served though a BU trustee for 41 years, 18 of them hoot chairman, and was one perfect example the University's principal benefactors.

The Metcalf Center for Science and Move bears his name, as does Metcalf Hall in the Martyr Sherman Union.

During his period, Metcalf also endowed the Metcalf Cup and Prize and high-mindedness Metcalf Awards for Excellence handset Teaching, the highest teaching honors the University confers. Two further Metcalf Professorships, endowed by distinction Metcalf Foundation, were announced put together last year.