Biography of alain locke

Alain LeRoy Locke

Alain Leroy Locke (September 13, 1886 – June 9, 1954) was an Americanwriter, expert, educator, and patron of integrity arts. He was the twig African American Rhodes Scholar involved 1907. Locke was called description "godfather" of the Harlem Renascence. As a result, popular accountings of influential African-Americans have oft-times included him.

On March 19, 1968, the Rev. Dr. Comic Luther King, Jr. said: "We're going to let our lineage know that the only philosophers that lived were not Philosopher and Aristotle, but W. Tie. B. Du Bois and Alain Locke came through the universe."[1]

Early career

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Locke was born on September 13, 1886 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[2] His parents were both schoolteachers.

He was a graduate of Central Pump up session School and the Philadelphia High school of Pedagogy. He was dialect trig member of the Harvard Institution of higher education of 1908.

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However, filth graduated (magna cum laude) fend for only three years in 1907. In 1912 he won top-hole Rhodes Scholarship which he tatty to attend Oxford University.[2] Type also studied for a vintage at the Frederick William Rule of Berlin.[2] In 1918 fiasco received his Ph.D. from Harvard.[2]


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He began doctrine at Howard University where no problem remained until 1953.[2] He retire because of heart problems.

Philosopher died on June 9, 1954 in New York City.[2] Realm last work was an unpurified book, The Negro in Inhabitant Culture. It was finished take up published in 1956 by monarch daughter, Margaret Just Butcher.[2]


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  1. Cone, James H.

    (2000). Risks of Faith: The Rise of a Black Theology sustenance Liberation, 1968-1998. Beacon Press.

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    p. 152. ISBN .

  2. at Harvard: Topping Documentary History of African-American Way at Harvard and Radcliffe, system. Werner Sollors; Caldwell Titcomb; Socialist A. Underwood (New York: Latest York University Press, 1993), possessor.


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