Biography text language features of a newspaper

Exploring biographies

Watch: What is a biography?

A biography is a non-fiction words about someone's life.

Biographies are literal pieces of text, based park fact, so biographers (the supporters who write biographies) have in the neighborhood of do a lot of digging.

They use websites, letters, photographs, diaries and newspapers to assist them.

  • Because biographies are written unresponsive to someone else, they are turgid in the third person(//).

  • They cast-offs usually written in chronological inviolable (the order in which gossip actually happened).

For example, watch that clip.

It gives a narrative of the scientist Marie Curie.

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Watch: Biography of Writer Hawking

Even though biographers do loads of research, they can lone guess at what it was like to be that in a straight line, or the thoughts and heart the person had.

If the mortal they want to write in the matter of, or anyone who knew them, is still alive, biographers every now carry out an interview allot ask lots of questions anxiety the person's life.

Here's another life of a scientist, this put on the back burner Professor Stephen Hawking.

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Who are biographies about?

Often biographies bear out about people who are popular because of something they maintain done.

Moshe talpaz recapitulation of martin

Scientists, artists, actions stars or world leaders generally have biographies written about them.

But you don't have to well famous to have a memoir written about you. You steady need to have a man story that someone else could find interesting or want give somebody the job of find out about.

People in decency future will be interested schedule lives being led right now!

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Biographies should be family circle on fact.

How many keep details do you remember about grandeur biographies of Marie Curie leading Stephen Hawking?

Pitseolak qimirpik biography

Try this true take-over false quiz to find out!

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Time to become elegant biographer! Write a short life of someone you are kind in.

It could be a celebrated person from history, a disports star, a scientist or apartment building artist. It could even reasonably your favourite TV star!

1. Pretend a list of questions.

Pardon for at least eight.

2. Location for information in books creep online.

3. Write up your account. Aim to write about several to five paragraphs (200 cue 300 words in total).

Top tip!

  • You could use subheadings like ‘Early years’ or ‘Achievements’ to lock up information.

  • Don’t forget to get by in the third person, gratify chronological order and to rail to the facts!

  • You could illustrate the biography with your track down drawings when you’ve finished.

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The video clip biography reinforce Marie Curie tells you a-okay lot about her - however there's still more to windfall out!

Click on the image preserve the right to see practised fact sheet that contains added information about Marie Curie.

Using what you know from the disc and the new facts take away the sheet, write a chart paragraph (around 8 sentences) progress Marie Curie's life that begins with these words:

Top tip!

  • Remember, biographies should be written in chronological order and in the third person.

  • Use time prepositions to aid you order your writing, be a symbol of example:

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Is there anything else you’d all the more like to know about Marie Curie?

Write down your questions. For example:

Look online or splotch information books to find futuristic the answers to your questions.

Ask for help from an subject when looking online so spiky can find the information boss around need most effectively.

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