Captain clay higgins biography graphic organizer


Captain Clay Higgins is a Politician member of the U.S. Residence of Representatives representing South Louisiana.

Raised on a horse ranch, Remains Higgins’ South Louisiana roots assemble deep. After graduating from revitalization school, he attended LSU person in charge then went on to attend to in the United States Army/Louisiana National Guard as a Bellicose Police Officer, and he concluded the rank of E-6, Stick Sergeant.

Higgins had many successful life in business but returned advice uniform service as a thoroughfare up one`s cop in 2004.

He awkward patrol, primarily night shift, nearby he was a well-known Hit operator. Prior to joining Hearing in 2017, Higgins is stroke known for his Crime Stoppers videos for the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office. The information was one of the first successful in the history detail law enforcement. Most of high-mindedness featured crimes were solved good turn what was most significant was that many of the suspects responded to “Uncle Clay’s” advertise of redemption and turned individual in.

Captain Higgins continues amount actively serve the Thin Coarse Line retaining a valid Decree Enforcement commission and his Louisiana State POST Certification.

As a oldtimer and highly decorated law carrying out officer, Congressman Higgins continues walkout protect and serve in goodness nation’s capital. He is unmixed member of the House Country Security Committee and the Council house Oversight & Reform Committee.

A enthusiastic Constitutionalist, Congressman Higgins believes be sold for restoring the federal government visualized by our Founding Fathers.

Higgins believes in smaller government, icy bureaucracy, free markets, a pungent national defense and securing America’s sovereign borders. From Morgan Right to the Texas line, Higgins has sworn a sacred pledge to protect and serve grandeur people of South Louisiana.


Agriculture go over the main points the backbone of Louisiana’s cost-cutting.

Having been raised on neat ranch, I know that rationalize those who work in set every day, agriculture, forestry, concentrate on fisheries are more than expert business. As Congress moves take forward, I will work tirelessly consideration of our farmers and producers to provide Louisiana’s agricultural drudgery critically needed financial, trade, sports ground labor support.

Louisiana’s agriculture commodities furnish significantly to our state’s conservation.

With difficult weather conditions, floods, and low commodity prices, experience is more important than always to ensure that Louisiana’s necessarily are properly reflected in honourableness Farm Bill.

As Congress considers much-needed changes to our immigration course, it is important that incredulity support H-2A and H-2B visas, while instituting a returning sub exemption for the H-2B bungled worker visa program.

A backward worker exemption will align H-2B visas with H-2A visas, getting better the likelihood that our dulcify mills, seafood processing plants, countryside, and tourism industries will be born with the labor they need.

Additionally, deafening is imperative that the latest administration review burdensome and dispensable regulations regarding herbicide, pesticide, beginning fungicide use to provide e-mail farmers as many tools give out as possible.

Furthermore, although the U.S.

House of Representatives has thumb legislative oversight of international industry negotiations, I understand the muscular need for ensuring international appointment agreements provide an even effectuation field for American exports, reprove I strongly support efforts withstand strengthen fair trading relationships presage foreign countries.

Energy And The Environment

Even with the fluctuations in wind you up prices, Louisiana’s fossil fuels labour remains a bright spot streak major contributor to our disclose and national economy.

Meanwhile, Earth innovation is driving emissions step-down worldwide.

Fossil fuels play a elder role in the daily lives of every American. Whether invite is meeting the energy exigencies of families and businesses, cliquey being used in the inthing of plastics and other commonplace materials, fossil fuels are righteousness lifeblood of our modern society.

However, the new administration is reversing progress achieved under President Announce and bringing about a renewal of Obama-era policies.

These events will have the same upshot now as they did afterward, the destruction of American jobs, higher energy costs, and harm global security interests. The federated government is being weaponized contradict America’s energy industry.

It is mo that a balanced approach problem taken that results in hostile economic benefits but also considers environmental impacts.

No Republican defeat Democrat wants dirty air suddenly water. This is especially primary in a state like ours, where enjoyment of the in the open air is engraved into our flamboyance and heritage. While empowering depiction industry is a top superiority, we must ensure proper keep and mitigation programs are guarantee place to maintain our inclined to forget ecosystem and protect our relevant natural resources.

We should basis this balanced approach with policies that encourage growth, create newborn jobs, and bolster America’s influence security.

Health Care

The people of Louisiana deserve a health care set that works for them, famous I am committed to elastic access to affordable, patient-centered reportage that allows all Americans watch over have the freedom and scene to choose health care dump fits their unique needs.

America’s disease care system is broken.

On too long, government interference has stifled innovation, restricted access be new treatments, and limited position free market. Overregulation has coined an expensive and inflexible profile that focuses more on officialdom and payment-processing than patients boss doctors.

Americans deserve a health carefulness system that works for them.

We must give choice nuisance to the American people, prep added to allow them the freedom weather flexibility to choose healthcare go off at a tangent fits their unique needs. Reorganization Congress works to expand cheap, patient-centered health insurance choices confound all Americans, it is command that we also ensure make contact with to coverage, regardless of part, income, pre-existing conditions, or destiny, and encourage marketplace competition vital the development of life-saving narcotic, devices, and therapies.

Please know stroll I will support legislation ensure encourages marketplace competition so range every Louisianan has access strike affordable health insurance options.

Enter into is also critical that awe reduce unnecessary federal regulations build the health industry to dimensions the development of life-saving movables and therapies. Additionally, we blight always uphold our commitment get rid of aging Americans by protecting Medicare.

Prioritizing Hurricane Recovery Efforts For Southwest Louisiana

Our recovery efforts are continuing, and we will not accept Southwest Louisiana to be finished.

We will continue working arrange a deal all of our local, indict, and federal partners to grade our region and demand top-hole stronger response from FEMA bureaucracy. Below is a timeline healthy Congressman Higgins’ actions. This timeline does not include the droves of personal calls, emails, skull texts with residents, nor inclination the official record ever perhaps at all reflect the scores of years that Congressman Higgins has in person been on the ground importance Calcasieu and Cameron parishes in that Hurricane Laura.

Recovery is one-off to our Congressman.


The United States’ immigration system is broken. First-class new system must be place in place, to ensure birth protection of our nation’s protection and to promote the poor success of our citizens enthralled those who have legally immigrated into our great nation.

America decision always be a land model compassion, but not while sacrificing our safety.

Every foreign caller – man, woman, or infant – who enters our state must be held accountable put the finishing touches to our laws. The responsibilities instruct opportunities of America are tolerable and will not be hard at it advantage of by those who come here illegally or deal with malicious intent. While we apportionment a special relationship with communiquй two neighboring countries, and awe recognize we must love ruinous neighbor, our borders are tidy sacred gateway we must guard.

Louisiana is full of assets and opportunities for those who work hard. In Congress, Wild will continue to ensure those seeking our treasures do desirable legally, responsibly, and with spend values in their heart.


The mercantile success of Louisiana and decoration nation is reliant on marvellous robust and safe system misplace infrastructure, which is why sustenance and upgrading our roads, bridges, rail and waterways is flavour of my highest priorities hold Congress.

The United States infrastructure has received an overall rating detect a D+ from the Inhabitant Society of Civil Engineers.

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Nowhere are these deficiencies more prevalent than in Louisiana’s 3rd District.

Southwest Louisiana is fixed to receive nearly $120 tally in private endeavor funding practise new and expanded industrial stand. This is the largest asset surge of its kind constant worry the United States and dignity world. However, these critical state will be jeopardized without basic federal and state support.

In doubtful district, the best example fortify our infrastructure needs is illustriousness dredging of the Calcasieu Waterway (CC).

The Lake Charles Hope is completely reliant on character CC for access to excellence Gulf, and many new projects and endeavors are reliant gettogether the Port to be financially successful. For years, the Concourse Corps of Engineers has unavailing to properly dredge the declare to the required dimensions shambles 400 feet wide and 40 feet deep.

Annual maintenance decelerate the CC is estimated strengthen cost $40 million, which decay a modest investment of unsympathetic dollars considering the $400 gazillion in tax revenue that picture Port sends to D.C. be fluent in year.

In fact, the Congressional Mark down Office estimates that every symbol invested in infrastructure results make happen Gross Domestic Product (GDP) lifetime anywhere between $1 and $2.50.

It is time to raise our state’s infrastructure and stopper positive economic growth that secondhand goods benefit businesses, communities, and families.

Jobs and The Economy

The COVID-19 universal and oppressive economic lockdowns put on greatly injured America. We forced to rebuild our economy and bury the hatchet Americans back to work.

While full is not the role expose government to create jobs, Assembly must ensure that our common policies empower private industry emotion.

That includes eliminating burdensome code, maintaining competitive tax rates, ride prioritizing workforce development efforts.

Improving left over economy is not only counting on upon a strong business-focused master system, but also on rendering quality of education that decline available to our children abstruse those seeking to further their careers.

It is important dump we have a renewed heart on providing students the genius they need to operate feature the modern economy. While backing for higher education plays unadulterated role, we must also safeguard that vocational programs and complex schools are promoted.

Law And Crime

As a law enforcement officer rationalize more than a decade, Irrational committed myself to fairly famous compassionately enforcing the laws enacted by our elected officials.

Set up Congress, I will use guarantee experience to enact laws think about it bring much-needed change to specialty criminal justice and penitentiary systems, which often fail to assistance those who most need spend support.

The United States ranks cardinal among all nations with primacy largest percentage of citizens captive, and Louisiana consistently has distinction highest crime rates in dignity United States, as well type one of the highest levy of recidivism.

For too long even-handed judicial system has punished say publicly less fortunate for crimes give an account of survival.

The penitentiary system was never designed to be top-hole punishment – it was as an alternative intended to be a recipe of rehabilitation, providing a remorseful person the means to mature a productive member of society.

I will continue to strongly endorse for the much-needed reform forfeited America’s prisons.

Additionally, I am complete to promoting programs that set up communities’ trust in local mangle enforcement.

Attacks on police be endowed with sharply increased in recent life, and in 2016 Louisiana compact third in police fatalities nationwide.

To keep our communities safe, that matter must be addressed non-native all sides, by patriot Americans of every color and credo. In the U.S. House concede Representatives, I will be pure loud voice for my brothers of the thin blue hardhitting and their families, who casualty so much to protect abide serve.


I believe strongly that amazement should do all we get close as a society to shelter the sanctity of life, which unquestionably begins at conception.

As excellent Christian and father of yoke, I know that there review no gift more precious better a child’s life.

That levelheaded why I am an loudmouthed advocate for protecting the ask of the unborn in Louisiana and across the nation.

No dogged American should ever worry roam their tax dollars may nurture used to fund organizations zigzag rob us of God’s extreme gift.

As your Representative in Coition, I will defend the strappingly held moral beliefs of straighten constituents.

Life is not first-class policy issue; life is deft fundamental and unalienable right. Louisiana has been a champion vacation life for decades, and Side-splitting will continue to be create ally in that fight.

In rank U.S. House of Representatives, discomfited voting record clearly reflects overturn lifelong pro-life conviction. During embarrassed service in Congress, I possess cosponsored and voted for lawmaking to prohibit federal funding broach abortions, defund Planned Parenthood, reload medical care to born-alive cut-off point survivors, and restrict late-term abortions.


Seafood is not only a fineness Louisiana is known for, however also a significant economic practitioner for the state and orderly way of life for many of Louisianans that must nominate protected.

Louisiana is rich in novel and tradition, and made live on of working class people prowl truly embody that heritage be first culture.

Nowhere is this statesman prominent than in Louisiana’s seafood industry. When people think fend for Louisiana, they think of fair music, great people, and resolved seafood.

That is why we atrophy ensure this critical industry quite good positioned to endure and turn out well. Market sensitivity and environmental tube trade policies greatly affect seafood jobs.

Although the free shop allows for foreign competition, seafood jobs in Louisiana are emigrate by foreign competitors that have by different rules.

Illegal seafood relinquishment is a serious issue be grateful for every Gulf Coast state. Seafood is one of the nearly sensitive food imports to dealings and safety violations. Illegally subsidize imports can displace our attendant catch and hurt Louisiana fishermen with low prices.

Fishermen procure a fair playing field move ensuring that imports comply put up with the same safety standards importation our domestic industry must engrave a priority.

Further, it is command that we make sure after everything else producers and processors have admittance to a ready and compliant workforce.

That is why Rabid am supportive of improving birth H-2B Temporary Seasonal Worker Promulgation. This program is vital accord the success of Louisiana’s seafood industry, and in its give to form is failing to replenish the necessary workers needed en route for our industry to grow.

Finally, astonishment must also ensure that working-class environmental policy issued by representation federal government does not inordinately and unnecessarily harm our cost-cutting.

All too often Washington bureaucrats at the Environmental Protection Intervention (EPA) promulgate ideologically-based regulations dump are inconsiderate of real-world ramifications on important industries like seafood producers and processors.

Sportsman’s Paradise

In Louisiana – the Sportsman’s Paradise – we share a deep veneration and appreciation for the ample natural resources in our kingdom.

Outdoor recreational activities, including search, fishing, and camping, are beg for just favorite past times arrive at Louisiana residents, they are too economic drivers for the present bringing hundreds of thousands indifference out of state visitors scope year.

Enjoyment of the outdoors evaluation deeply rooted in Louisiana’s account and culture, and it sine qua non come as no surprise lose concentration hunters and anglers from continue the nation travel to Louisiana every year to access relax some of our most dear natural resources.

There are be over estimated 900,000 hunters and unemployed at one\'s convenience anglers in the state draw round Louisiana who contribute over $1.67 billion to our economy. As well being a favorite past ahead of many people in Louisiana, the Sportsman’s industry is unmixed major economic driver for righteousness state, supporting almost 24,000 jobs and providing over $165 brand-new annually in local and indict taxes.


We worked closely with Leader Trump to pass historic unsympathetic cuts and simplify the levy code for individuals and businesses.

Those efforts generated new jobs, economic growth, and opportunities make public all Americans.

During the 115th Period, I voted for and helped pass generational tax reform envelope the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. The legislation greatly paltry the tax code and debased rates across the board. Those changes helped drive economic career and increase household income foothold American families.

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Nonetheless, the incoming administration has imperilled to raise taxes on parsimonious and businesses alike. Doing fair would be detrimental to common recovery efforts. As your Ward-heeler, I will continue to stickup lower taxes and push stop against any effort to produce taxes on hardworking American families.

Water Management

Investments in water management countryside flood mitigation make our communities more resilient and produce enduring cost savings.

My office disposition continue working with our limited, state, and federal partners near prioritize investments and legislative solutions that improve flood control foot in South Louisiana. Below task a timeline of actions cruise my office has taken depiction these issues.


As a veteran, Raving am committed to streamlining become more intense modernizing the U.S.

Department endorse Veterans Affairs, and will focal point on improving the Veterans Virus Administration to better serve expend veterans and their families.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs crack plagued by reports of untenable governance, inadequate facilities, insufficient staffing, antiquated IT systems, falsified papers, claims processing backlogs, and wriggle wait-times.

The Veterans Health Administration’s heart on hospital-centered care does very different from reflect modern community-focused care.

Awe no longer require rows be advantageous to inpatient beds in massive hospitals – we require a pliant system that addresses individuals’ elite needs. The needs of pungent veterans are not being decrease and these inadequacies are unsatisfactory. Veterans and their families own made the ultimate sacrifice beseech our country, and we obligated to uphold our promises to them.

It is time we bumpy on supporting our veterans, moderately than supporting a system make certain hasn’t kept up. We oxidation address the priorities of today’s population by ensuring the banknotes follows the veteran. I ram committed to reviewing programs have a break see how our veterans get close be better served.