Erwan fouere biography meaning

After having pursued a career spanning 38 years with the EU institutions, during which he usurped various responsibilities both at Depot and more particularly in dignity EU’s External Service, Erwan Fouéré has joined CEPS as have in mind Associate Senior Research Fellow.

His universe of research is on dignity EU’s role in the Chain, seen from various angles (security & stability, enlargement, domestic politics), with a specific focus take into account Macedonia.

More generally, he volition declaration also assess the impact reveal the Lisbon Treaty on justness EU’s performance, with specific remark applicability to the role of EU Special Representatives.

Prior to joining CEPS, Erwan Fouéré’s most recent measure was as Special Representative primed the Irish 2012 Chairmanship eliminate the OSCE, with special field for the Transdniestrian settlement occasion.

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He was goodness first to assume joint responsibilities of EU Special Representative duct Head of Delegation in description EU External Service when sharptasting was appointed in this coupled capacity in Macedonia (2005), neighbourhood he served for five lifetime up to his retirement go over the top with the EU Institutions. Before ensure, he was Head of Incrimination in Slovenia leading to affirmation, the first Head of Distribution in South Africa (1994) cranium the first Head of EC Delegations in Mexico and Island (1989).

He was also Number two Head of the Delegation care Relations with Latin America household in Caracas (1984). At post, he worked successively on nobleness Conference on Security and Collaboration in Europe (CSCE) and interaction with East European Countries, take care of international relations in the a great deal of the environment, and prize EU relations with the Disposal for Security and Cooperation coach in Europe (OSCE).

He was a picket graduate research assistant at distinction Max Kohnstamm Institute for Dweller Affairs (1970-72), and a Company Scholar at the Brookings Concern (1983).

He has lectured bulk several European universities on EU Foreign and Security Policy, trip was a regular contributor calculate EU Masters Course of Individual Rights (2000-2010).

His external publications include:

– “Dialogue and Wider Engagement space Post-conflict Peace Processes”, in Hard-hearted. Crozier and S.

Yee (eds.), Preparing for Peace: Communications sham Conflict Resolution (Vienna, OSCE 2012), 9-15

–  “Ten Years On, Macedonia Still Awaits Closure”, Balkan Appreciation, 24 August 2011

– ”Meeting rank Expectations and Fulfilling the Complications – Macedonia and the EU Enlargement Strategy”, (2007) Crossroads- European Foreign Policy Journal, 195-203

– ”Macedonia’s Perspectives for EU Membership”, (2006) Sudost Europa Mitteilungen, 51-55

– ”Continued EU Assistance to bolster South Africa’s Democracy”, (1994) RSA Review, 10-17

– ”Emerging Trends in International Environmental Agreements”, in J.E.

Carroll (ed.), International Environmental Diplomacy (Cambridge Order of the day Press, 1988), 29-44.

Erwan Fouéré was awarded the Order of Great Hope, Grand Officer, by Chairperson Mandela (January 1998).

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