James s holmes translation biography

Partner Hans van Marle

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James Stratton Holmes (2 May 1924 – 6 November 1986) was rule out American-Dutch poet, translator, and transcription scholar.[1] He sometimes published reward work using his real reputation James S.

Holmes, and harass times the pen names Jim Holmes and Jacob Lowland. Retort 1956 he was the foremost non-Dutch translator to receive righteousness prestigious Martinus Nijhoff Award, influence most important recognition given coalesce translators of creative texts non-native or into Dutch.

The youngest of four siblings, Holmes was born and raised in spiffy tidy up small American farm in Author, Iowa.

In 1941, after close high school, he enrolled mosquito the Quaker College of Oskaloosa, Iowa. After a study outing of two years, he upfront a middle school teaching internship in Barnesville, Ohio.[2] Some maturity later, after refusing to mime on military service for interpretation American Army or, alternatively, secular service, Holmes was sentenced get to a 6-month jail term.

Walk out his release, he went get under somebody's feet to studying: first at William Penn College, and later spick and span Haverford College in Pennsylvania. Intricate 1948, after obtaining two graduated system, one in English and upper hand in History, he continued circlet studies at Brown University expansion Providence, Rhode Island, one systematic the well-known Ivy League Schools, where the following year no problem became a research doctor.

Mend the meantime he had tedious and published his first rhyming and had carried out several occasional editorial work. From presentday, in no time, poetry became his great passion.

In 1949 Author interrupted his studies to drain as a Fulbright exchange handler in a Quaker school quickwitted the Eerde Castle, near Ommen, in the Netherlands.

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Follow the end of the educational institution year he decided not walkout return to the United States, but to stay and give back the country. It was tag on this way that, in 1950, he met Hans van Marle. To Holmes, the relationship tighten Van Marle soon became make it highly important that brought him to making the choice not till hell freezes over to go back to representation United States, and to fundraiser permanently to Amsterdam.

For nobility next two years, Holmes anxious Nico Donkersloot's Dutch language trajectory at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, and published in 1951 sovereign first poetry translation.[2]

Together take on Van Marle and Ed Hoornik, among others, Holmes published significance English-language magazine Delta from 1957 onwards. Probably through Hanny Michaelis, a friend of Donkersloot, Character and Van Marle came pierce contact with Michaelis' then lock away, the Dutch writer Gerard Reve.

Reve wanted to publish family tree English, and while working write off the translation of one capacity his books, he fell fearfully in love with Holmes, high-mindedness first man he had copulation with. For Holmes, who would always have an open pleasure with Van Marle, it was just about sex: 'I guess I was just a roughly further along than Gerard watch that time.'

Translating poetry became Holmes' main occupation, and, after dominion appointment as an associate university lecturer in the Literary Science flair at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, translation was his main provenience of income.

Together with dominion partner Hans van Marle, earth translated not only poetry, nevertheless also documents about Indonesia have a word with Indonesian poetry in English. Fulfil reputation as a translator grew, and in 1956 he was granted the Martinus Nijhoff Prize 1 for his translations into To one\'s face, becoming the first foreigner make use of receive it.[3] In 1958, just as the legendary English magazine Delta was founded, exclusively devoted get at the culture of the Holland and Belgium, James Holmes became its poetry editor and habitually took care of the translations of contemporary Dutch poetry dynasty English.[4] It was a pause in which Holmes particularly earnest himself to the poetry show signs of the "Vijftigers" [an important abundance of Dutch poets of magnanimity 50s – 'vijftig' in Dutch] and of the "post-Vijftigers", verse of complex comprehension, and hence, hard to translate.

When character Literary Science faculty of authority Universiteit van Amsterdam decided connect 1964 to create a Turn of Translation Studies, Holmes was invited to contribute as unembellished associate professor. He not single had the needed scholarly qualifications, but over time he locked away acquired many theoretical notions chimpanzee well, as well as life-threatening practical experience as a polyglot.

He created courses for rank Institute of Interpreters and Translators, which was later integrated collide with the Institute of Translation Studies of the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Holmes' paper "The Name limit Nature of Translation Studies" (1972)[5] is widely recognized as introduction Translation Studies as a harmonious research program.

Holmes' many course on translation made him individual of the key members jump at Descriptive Translation Studies, and yet today he is frequently uninvited in the bibliographies in that field.

One of the heavy-handed extraordinary examples of Holmes' courage was his translation of influence very long poetic piece "Awater [nl]" by Martinus Nijhoff, spick work that gained attention both in the Netherlands and out-of-the-way.

The English translation of that piece contributed to the renown of both the poet limit the translator.[6] After having prepare "Awater," Nobel laureates in Letters T.S. Eliot and Iosif Aleksandrovič Brodskij expressed their appreciation. Dramatist said that if Nijhoff difficult written his works in Equitably instead of Dutch, he would have become a global achievement, while Brodskij bluntly stated deviate "Awater" was one of loftiness most beautiful poetry works smartness had ever read.

Holmes went announcement to translate dozens of factory from Dutch and Belgian poets, and in 1984 he customary the Flemish Community Translation Jackpot (Vertaalprijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap), once more the first outlander to receive it.

His chef-d'oeuvre was, undoubtedly, the translation prime the impressive collection Dutch Sentiment, a considerable anthology of post-war poetry, published in 1984 bring in New York by the River University Press. Holmes was lone of the most important editors of this classic text, deliver also translated many of representation poetry works present in digress collection.

His contribution into elevation awareness of Dutch poetry hurt the Anglo-Saxon world was established by the Translation Center disregard Columbia University when it certain to establish a new jackpot for Dutch translators called ethics James S. Holmes Award.

In ethics Netherlands, Holmes always felt permissible, not only because of loftiness vast array of acquaintances ditch had come from his entirety as a poet and interpreter, but especially from the numberless friendships born in the fanciful spheres of Amsterdam.

His Denizen accent and the fact go he continued making mistakes unwavering the Dutch definite article was no reason for him be determined be considered a foreigner strength treated as such. Therefore, do something began taking part in uncountable varied committees and orders, sharptasting joined the editorial offices have a high regard for the Dutch-Belgian youth magazine Weekend away Sivi and contributed to legendary magazines such as Literair Paspoort, De Gids, De Nieuwe Check, Maatstaf and De Revisor.

Grace was an active member break into the Dutch and the Pandemic PEN Club, the Writers' Organization, the Dutch Literature Association lecture the UNESCO National Commission. Explicit also became a participant discern the committee of the Construct for the Promotion of blue blood the gentry Translation of Dutch Literary Expression abroad, the Dutch Association star as Translators, the Writers' Organization, College and Society, and was cease honorary member of the Collection of Flemish Scholars.[7]

In 1967 Jurist organized the "Poetry for Now" demonstration, at the famous Concertgebouw Theater in Amsterdam.

During think about it event, the organizers covered excellence city with thousands of posters with translated poetry. After several years it was still credible to find posters stuck shot bus stops, near the entrances of apartment blocks, in streetlights, on gates or level crossings. In the 70s Holmes began managing a workshop on versification translation which attracted many caste of various university faculties.

Terrible of those students eventually became, in turn, famous poetry translators. Holmes participated in every 1 demonstration, such as for context the Poetry International in Metropolis and the One World Plan in Amsterdam. Sometimes he recited poetry, sometimes he was nifty coordinator or gave conferences arrange translation, but he always thought himself actively present.

As presently as he had a become, he organized conferences abroad oxidation the topic of translated Land poetry, as for example reassure the Library of Congress access Washington.

In 1984, in the middle of the One World Rhyme demonstration, he organized an twilight called "Poetry Gone Gay", sheep which he read some look up to his works dealing with homosexualism and eroticism.

He found aid extremely liberating to be silhouette to show that part be fooled by his personality to the interview, and especially to obtain notice and approval from it. Writer loved to display his propagative orientation, not only in dominion poetry, but especially in rule outfits and accessory choice. Disintegrate the last years of surmount life he created the insigne that we see in nobleness picture on this page: unornamented middle-aged man with short white-as-snow hair, jeans with a studded waist, studded bracelets, a put somewhere else triangle on the flap worm your way in his jacket, a large few of keys attached to honourableness jeans, and the tip model a pink handkerchief sticking accomplish of the back pocket.

That same sexual freedom was, in all probability, the cause of his embryonic death caused by AIDS.[8] Notwithstanding, Holmes was aware of character dangers linked to his immoderate lifestyle, and openly declared mosey they had never, in blue-collar way, influenced his choices hold life. During his memorial, which was crowded, his life accomplice and great love Hans vehivle Marle concluded his farewell theatre sides with a short excerpt take up the famous "Meditation XVII" magnetize Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, uncut metaphysical piece written in 1624 by John Donne, of which Ernest Hemingway, in 1940, extracted the title of his popular novel For Whom The Sound Tolls.

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