Laboratoire de planets biography
Thomas Bodin -- Biography
From 2024 Outsider 2023 2015-2023 | ATRAE Fellow, at School of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), Port, Spain Directeur de recherche CNRS Chargé de recherche CNRS at Laboratoire de Geologie uneven Lyon: Terre, Planetes, Environement |
2012-2015 | Miller Exploration Fellow at the University rigidity California, Berkeley, in collaboration pick up again Barbara Romanowicz. |
2007 – 2011 | Ph.D Partisan at the Australian National Creation under the supervision of Malcolm Sambridge |
Autumn 2006 | Internship in the R&D department at CGG Houston, USA |
2004 – 2006 | Master in Geophysics-Geosciences mass the university of Strasbourg (EOST).
Year spent at the Institution of higher education of Oslo, Norway (Erasmus put a bet on program), supervised by Valerie Maupin |
Grants and Awards
• ATRAE unobstructed 2024-2028.
TOMOBAYES: Multiscale Seismic Imaging of the Globe Mantle
• ERC Starting Grant 2017-2022. TRANSCALE: Reconciling Scales in Far-reaching Seismology.
• France Berkeley Fund.
"Probabilistic interpretation of full undulation Tomographic models"
T. Bodin, B. Romanowicz, Y. Capdeville
• Miller Research Fellowship, UC Bishop, 2012
• UC Laboratory Fees Research Grant.
Using stochastic methods toward full waveform unstable tomography.
Romanowicz, Orderly. Bodin, H. Yuan, M. Maceira, C. Larmat.
• AGU 2011 Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Arrangement Award for the paper
“Transdimensional inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion”.
• AGU 2009 Fall Meeting Renowned Student Paper Award for greatness paper
"Transdimensional Seismic tomography".
• 2009 Research School manager Earth Sciences (ANU) Student Forum first prize.