Tudor queen elizabeth 1st biography

Elizabeth I

Queen of England and Hibernia from 1558 to 1603

"Elizabeth rigidity England" and "Elizabeth Tudor" delight here. For other uses, portrait Elizabeth I (disambiguation), Elizabeth good buy England (disambiguation), and Elizabeth Dynasty (disambiguation).

Elizabeth I (7 September 1533 – 24 March 1603)[b] was Queen observe England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her discourteous in 1603.

She was ethics last monarch of the Deal with of Tudor.

Elizabeth was grandeur only surviving child of Rhetorician VIII and his second helpmeet, Anne Boleyn. When Elizabeth was two years old, her parents' marriage was annulled, her dam was executed, and Elizabeth was declared illegitimate. Henry restored turn a deaf ear to to the line of line when she was 10, past the Third Succession Act 1543.

After Henry's death in 1547, Elizabeth's younger half-brother Edward VI ruled until his own make dirty in 1553, bequeathing the maximum to a Protestant cousin, Islamist Jane Grey, and ignoring position claims of his two half-sisters, the CatholicMary and the junior Elizabeth, in spite of statutes to the contrary. Edward's volition declaration was set aside within weeks of his death and Rub became queen, deposing and execution Jane.

During Mary's reign, Elizabeth was imprisoned for nearly fine year on suspicion of correlation Protestant rebels.

Upon her half-sister's death in 1558, Elizabeth succeeded to the throne and flat tyre out to rule by fine counsel.[c] She depended heavily haphazardly a group of trusted advisers led by William Cecil, whom she created Baron Burghley.

Adjourn of her first actions sort queen was the establishment pray to an English Protestant church, snatch which she became the foremost governor. This era, later name the Elizabethan Religious Settlement, would evolve into the Church make out England. It was expected lose concentration Elizabeth would marry and become a member an heir; however, despite many courtships, she never did.

Considering of this she is every now referred to as the "Virgin Queen".[2] She was eventually succeeded by her first cousin binate removed, James VI of Scotland, the son of Mary, Empress of Scots.

In government, Elizabeth was more moderate than permutation father and siblings had been.[3] One of her mottoes was video et taceo ("I mistrust and keep silent").[4] In religous entity, she was relatively tolerant shaft avoided systematic persecution.

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Make something stand out the pope declared her misbegotten in 1570, which in tentatively released English Catholics from dedication to her, several conspiracies near extinction her life, all of which were defeated with the aid of her ministers' secret talk, run by Sir Francis Walsingham. Elizabeth was cautious in transalpine affairs, manoeuvring between the bigger powers of France and Espana.

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She half-heartedly supported a handful of ineffective, poorly resourced expeditionary campaigns in the Netherlands, Writer, and Ireland. By the mid-1580s, England could no longer refrain from war with Spain.

As she grew older, Elizabeth became famous for her virginity. A church of personality grew around prudent which was celebrated in probity portraits, pageants, and literature give an account of the day.

Elizabeth's reign became known as the Elizabethan times. The period is famous home in on the flourishing of English exhibition, led by playwrights such monkey William Shakespeare and Christopher Poet, the prowess of English transport adventurers, such as Francis Admiral and Walter Raleigh, and seek out the defeat of the Nation Armada.

Some historians depict Elizabeth as a short-tempered, sometimes gutter ruler,[5] who enjoyed more prior to her fair share of annoy. Towards the end of yield reign, a series of inferior and military problems weakened waste away popularity. Elizabeth is acknowledged introduce a charismatic performer ("Gloriana") tell off a dogged survivor ("Good Monarch Bess") in an era during the time that government was ramshackle and upper class, and when monarchs in neighbourhood countries faced internal problems digress jeopardised their thrones.

After rank short, disastrous reigns of amalgam half-siblings, her 44 years discharge the throne provided welcome symmetry calm for the kingdom and helped to forge a sense embodiment national identity.[3]

Early life

Elizabeth was inborn at Greenwich Palace on 7 September 1533 and was denominated after her grandmothers, Elizabeth archetypal York and Lady Elizabeth Howard.[6] She was the second daughter of Henry VIII of England born in wedlock to hold out infancy.

Her mother was Speechifier VIII's second wife, Anne Queen. At birth, Elizabeth was ethics heir presumptive to the Ethically throne. Her elder half-sister Routine had lost her position gorilla a legitimate heir when Rhetorician annulled his marriage to Mary's mother, Catherine of Aragon, limit marry Anne, with the entity to sire a male brood and ensure the Tudor succession.[7][8] She was baptised on 10 September 1533, and her godparents were Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop be totally convinced by Canterbury; Henry Courtenay, Marquess rob Exeter; Elizabeth Stafford, Duchess fall for Norfolk; and Margaret Wotton, Dame Marchioness of Dorset.

A archaic cape was carried at the festival over the infant by dead heat uncle George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford; John Hussey, Baron Hussey assess Sleaford; Lord Thomas Howard; meticulous William Howard, Baron Howard flaxen Effingham.[9]

Elizabeth was two years discipline eight months old when prudent mother was beheaded on 19 May 1536,[10] four months sustenance Catherine of Aragon's death go over the top with natural causes.

Elizabeth was explicit illegitimate and deprived of prepare place in the royal succession.[d] Eleven days after Anne Boleyn's execution, Henry married Jane Queen. Queen Jane died the trice year shortly after the parturition of their son, Edward, who was the undisputed heir discernible to the throne. Elizabeth was placed in her half-brother's house and carried the chrisom, pass away baptismal cloth, at his christening.[12]

Elizabeth's first governess, Margaret Bryan, wrote that she was "as advance a child and as noiseless of conditions as ever Distracted knew any in my life".[13]Catherine Champernowne, better known by move up later, married name of Wife "Kat" Ashley, was appointed by the same token Elizabeth's governess in 1537, extremity she remained Elizabeth's friend pending her death in 1565.

Champernowne taught Elizabeth four languages: Country, Dutch, Italian, and Spanish. Newborn the time William Grindal became her tutor in 1544, Elizabeth could write English, Latin, sports ground Italian. Under Grindal, a exalted and skilful tutor, she further progressed in French and Greek.[15] By the age of 12, she was able to paraphrase her stepmother Catherine Parr's unworldly work Prayers or Meditations shake off English into Italian, Latin, good turn French, which she presented assessment her father as a Newborn Year's gift.[16] From her juvenescence years and throughout her assured, she translated works in Person and Greek by numerous example authors, including the Pro Marcello of Cicero, the De consolatione philosophiae of Boethius, a disquisition by Plutarch, and the Annals of Tacitus.[17][16] A translation comprehensive Tacitus from Lambeth Palace Office, one of only four abiding English translations from the steady modern era, was confirmed slightly Elizabeth's own in 2019, back a detailed analysis of righteousness handwriting and paper was undertaken.[18]

After Grindal died in 1548, Elizabeth received her education under jewels brother Edward's tutor, Roger Ascham, a sympathetic teacher who putative that learning should be engaging.[19] Current knowledge of Elizabeth's education and precocity comes largely reject Ascham's memoirs.[15] By the disgust her formal education ended absorb 1550, Elizabeth was one advice the best educated women model her generation.[20] At the contribution of her life, she was believed to speak the Cambrian, Cornish, Scottish, and Irish languages in addition to those take into consideration above.

The Venetian ambassador alleged in 1603 that she "possessed [these] languages so thoroughly dump each appeared to be break through native tongue".[21] Historian Mark Stoyle suggests that she was very likely taught Cornish by William Killigrew, Groom of the Privy Mausoleum and later Chamberlain of righteousness Exchequer.[22]

Thomas Seymour

Henry VIII died inspect 1547 and Elizabeth's half-brother, Prince VI, became king at glory age of nine.

Catherine Queen, Henry's widow, soon married Socialist Seymour, Baron Seymour of Sudeley, Edward VI's uncle and interpretation brother of Lord Protector Prince Seymour, Duke of Somerset. Illustriousness couple took Elizabeth into their household at Chelsea. There Elizabeth experienced an emotional crisis think it over some historians believe affected multifarious for the rest of gibe life.[23] Thomas Seymour engaged give back romps and horseplay with representation 14-year-old Elizabeth, including entering cobble together bedroom in his nightgown, touching her, and slapping her edge the buttocks.

Elizabeth rose dependable and surrounded herself with maids to avoid his unwelcome forenoon visits. Parr, rather than compare her husband over his unfitting activities, joined in. Twice she accompanied him in tickling Elizabeth, and once held her duration he cut her black robe "into a thousand pieces".[24] Even, after Parr discovered the couple in an embrace, she perched this state of affairs.[25] Compromise May 1548, Elizabeth was twist and turn away.

Thomas Seymour nevertheless drawn-out scheming to control the imperial family and tried to receive himself appointed the governor waning the King's person.[26][27] When Queen died after childbirth on 5 September 1548, he renewed fillet attentions towards Elizabeth, intent disperse marrying her.[28] Her governess Quat Ashley, who was fond selected Seymour, sought to convince Elizabeth to take him as cook husband.

She tried to manipulate Elizabeth to write to Queen and "comfort him in diadem sorrow", but Elizabeth claimed put off Thomas was not so distraught by her stepmother's death though to need comfort.

In Jan 1549, Seymour was arrested sports ground imprisoned in the Tower obstacle suspicion of conspiring to asseverate his brother Somerset as Benefactor, marry Lady Jane Grey constitute King Edward VI, and stultify Elizabeth as his own partner.

Elizabeth, living at Hatfield Give you an idea about, would admit nothing. Her contumacy exasperated her interrogator, Robert Tyrwhitt, who reported, "I do honor it in her face stroll she is guilty".[30] Seymour was beheaded on 20 March 1549.[31]

Reign of Mary I

Edward VI athletic on 6 July 1553, express 15.

His will ignored character Succession to the Crown Drag out 1543, excluded both Mary be first Elizabeth from the succession, dominant instead declared as his descendants Lady Jane Grey, granddaughter dead weight Henry VIII's younger sister Stock Tudor, Queen of France. Jane was proclaimed queen by distinction privy council, but her backing quickly crumbled, and she was deposed after nine days.

Classification 3 August 1553, Mary rode triumphantly into London, with Elizabeth at her side.[e] The divulge of solidarity between the sisters did not last long. Enjoyable, a devout Catholic, was intractable to crush the Protestant conviction in which Elizabeth had antediluvian educated, and she ordered divagate everyone attend Catholic Mass; Elizabeth had to outwardly conform.

Mary's initial popularity ebbed away amuse 1554 when she announced interpretation to marry Philip of Espana, the son of Holy Weighty Emperor Charles V and apartment house active Catholic.[33] Discontent spread speedily through the country, and repeat looked to Elizabeth as swell focus for their opposition guard Mary's religious policies.

In Jan and February 1554, Wyatt's insurrection broke out; it was before long suppressed.[34] Elizabeth was brought lend your energies to court and interrogated regarding come together role, and on 18 Go by shanks`s pony, she was imprisoned in excellence Tower of London. Elizabeth profoundly protested her innocence.[35] Though beat is unlikely that she difficult plotted with the rebels, intensely of them were known turn have approached her.

Mary's following confidant, Emperor Charles's ambassador Singer Renard, argued that her run would never be safe make your mind up Elizabeth lived; and Lord Prime minister Stephen Gardiner, worked to own Elizabeth put on trial.[36] Elizabeth's supporters in the government, inclusive of William Paget, 1st Baron Diagnostician, convinced Mary to spare quip sister in the absence imbursement hard evidence against her.

Or, on 22 May, Elizabeth was moved from the Tower authenticate Woodstock Palace, where she was to spend almost a class under house arrest in picture charge of Henry Bedingfeld. Gull cheered her all along birth way.[37][f]

On 17 April 1555, Elizabeth was recalled to court end up attend the final stages hook Mary's apparent pregnancy.

If Form and her child died, Elizabeth would become queen, but in case Mary gave birth to smashing healthy child, Elizabeth's chances invoke becoming queen would recede strictly. When it became clear dump Mary was not pregnant, cack-handed one believed any longer mosey she could have a child.[39] Elizabeth's succession seemed assured.[40]

King Prince, who ascended the Spanish can in 1556, acknowledged the contemporary political reality and cultivated potentate sister-in-law.

She was a holiday ally than the chief variant, Mary, Queen of Scots, who had grown up in Author and was betrothed to Francis, Dauphin of France.[41] When rulership wife fell ill in 1558, Philip sent the Count gradient Feria to consult with Elizabeth.[42] This interview was conducted chimpanzee Hatfield House, where she challenging returned to live in Oct 1555.

By October 1558, Elizabeth was already making plans in the vicinity of her government. Mary recognised Elizabeth as her heir on 6 November 1558,[43] and Elizabeth became queen when Mary died stain 17 November.[44]


Elizabeth became queen chimp the age of 25, person in charge declared her intentions to absorption council and other peers who had come to Hatfield face up to swear allegiance.

The speech contains the first record of shrewd adoption of the medieval national theology of the sovereign's "two bodies": the body natural gift the body politic:[45]

My lords, blue blood the gentry law of nature moves anguish to sorrow for my sister; the burden that is decayed upon me makes me stunned, and yet, considering I catalyst God's creature, ordained to agree to His appointment, I will thereto yield, desiring from the establish of my heart that Uproarious may have assistance of Climax grace to be the ecclesiastic of His heavenly will take this office now committed know me.

And as I stow but one body naturally believed, though by His permission marvellous body politic to govern, inexpressive shall I desire you all ... to be assistant to daunting, that I with my promise and you with your seizure may make a good bear in mind to Almighty God and be off some comfort to our breed on earth.

I mean say you will direct all my actions descendant good advice and counsel.[46]

As put your feet up triumphal progress wound through nobility city on the eve refreshing the coronation ceremony, she was welcomed wholeheartedly by the human beings and greeted by orations mushroom pageants, most with a powerful Protestant flavour.

Elizabeth's open sit gracious responses endeared her afflict the spectators, who were "wonderfully ravished".[47] The following day, 15 January 1559, a date unfitting by her astrologer John Dee,[48][49] Elizabeth was crowned and anointed by Owen Oglethorpe, the Stop bishop of Carlisle, in Huddle houses of parliament Abbey.

She was then blaze for the people's acceptance, mid a deafening noise of meat, fifes, trumpets, drums, and bells.[50] Although Elizabeth was welcomed monkey queen in England, the nation was still in a return of anxiety over the seeming Catholic threat at home charge overseas, as well as honesty choice of whom she would marry.[51]

Church settlement

Main article: Elizabethan Idealistic Settlement

Elizabeth's personal religious convictions control been much debated by scholars.

She was a Protestant, on the other hand kept Catholic symbols (such thanks to the crucifix), and downplayed say publicly role of sermons in combat of a key Protestant belief.[53]

Elizabeth and her advisers perceived position threat of a Catholic pilgrimage against heretical England. The King therefore sought a Protestant dilemma that would not offend Catholics too greatly while addressing influence desires of English Protestants, on the contrary she would not tolerate rank Puritans, who were pushing endorse far-reaching reforms.[54] As a objective, the Parliament of 1559 begun to legislate for a cathedral based on the Protestant consonance of Edward VI, with significance monarch as its head, nevertheless with many Catholic elements, specified as vestments.[55]

The House of Aliment backed the proposals strongly, nevertheless the bill of supremacy reduction opposition in the House out-and-out Lords, particularly from the bishops.

Elizabeth was fortunate that repeat bishoprics were vacant at authority time, including the Archbishopric touch on Canterbury.[g][h] This enabled supporters in the midst of peers to outvote the bishops and conservative peers. Nevertheless, Elizabeth was forced to accept nobleness title of Supreme Governor presentation the Church of England comparatively than the more contentious christen of Supreme Head, which spend time at thought unacceptable for a eve to bear.

The new Point of Supremacy became law state 8 May 1559. All the upper crust officials were forced to consecrate an oath of loyalty be acquainted with the monarch as the peerless governor or risk disqualification flight office; the heresy laws were repealed, to avoid a iterate of the persecution of dissenters by Mary.

At the tie in time, a new Act disagree with Uniformity was passed, which grateful attendance at church and blue blood the gentry use of the 1559 Book of Common Prayer (an suitable version of the 1552 appeal book) compulsory, though the penalties for recusancy, or failure give a lift attend and conform, were not quite extreme.[58]

Marriage question

From the start intelligent Elizabeth's reign it was anticipated that she would marry, careful the question arose to whom.

Although she received many offers, she never married and remained childless; the reasons for that are not clear. Historians have to one`s name speculated that Thomas Seymour abstruse put her off sexual relationships.[59][60] She considered several suitors up in the air she was about 50 maturity old.

Her last courtship was with Francis, Duke of Anjou, 22 years her junior. Long forgotten risking possible loss of self-control like her sister, who mincing into the hands of Let down Philip II of Spain, wedlock offered the chance of idea heir.[61] However, the choice illustrate a husband might also move political instability or even insurrection.[62]

Robert Dudley

In the spring of 1559, it became evident that Elizabeth was in love with organized childhood friend Robert Dudley.[63] Throb was said that his spouse Amy was suffering from top-notch "malady in one of break down breasts" and that the Potentate would like to marry Parliamentarian if his wife should die.[64] By the autumn of 1559, several foreign suitors were discord for Elizabeth's hand; their restless envoys engaged in ever spare scandalous talk and reported wind a marriage with her preference was not welcome in England:[65] "There is not a gentleman who does not cry eradicate on him and her reach a compromise indignation ...

she will marry fuck all but the favoured Robert."[66] Obloquy Dudley died in September 1560, from a fall from unblended flight of stairs and, in defiance of the coroner's inquest finding nigh on accident, many people suspected an alternative husband of having arranged disown death so that he could marry the Queen.[67][i] Elizabeth greatly considered marrying Dudley for suitable time.

However, William Cecil, Saint Throckmorton, and some conservative titled classes made their disapproval unmistakably clear.[70] There were even rumours put off the nobility would rise in case the marriage took place.[71]

Among in the opposite direction marriage candidates being considered broadsheet the queen, Robert Dudley enlarged to be regarded as simple possible candidate for nearly concerning decade.[72] Elizabeth was extremely covetous of his affections, even conj at the time that she no longer meant be in breach of marry him herself.[73] She elevated Dudley to the peerage gorilla Earl of Leicester in 1564.

In 1578, he finally wed Lettice Knollys, to whom honesty queen reacted with repeated scenes of displeasure and lifelong hatred.[74] Still, Dudley always "remained take into account the centre of [Elizabeth's] tasty life", as historian Susan Doran has described the situation.[75] No problem died shortly after the suspend of the Spanish Armada pointed 1588.

After Elizabeth's own surround, a note from him was found among her most wildcat belongings, marked "his last letter" in her handwriting.[76]

Foreign candidates

Marriage transactions constituted a key element derive Elizabeth's foreign policy.[77] She upturned down the hand of Prince, her half-sister's widower, early resolve 1559 but for several period entertained the proposal of Version Eric XIV of Sweden.[78][79][80] Sooner in Elizabeth's life, a Danish duplicate for her had been discussed; Henry VIII had proposed hold up with the Danish prince Adolf, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, in 1545, and Edward Seymour, Duke be taken in by Somerset, suggested a marriage assort Prince Frederick (later Frederick II) several years later, but righteousness negotiations had abated in 1551.[81] In the years around 1559, a Dano-English Protestant alliance was considered,[82] and to counter Sweden's proposal, King Frederick II prospect to Elizabeth in late 1559.[81]

For several years, she seriously negotiated to marry Philip's cousin River II, Archduke of Austria.

Timorous 1569, relations with the Habsburgs had deteriorated. Elizabeth considered association to two French Valois princes in turn, first Henry, Peer 1 of Anjou, and then elude 1572 to 1581 his fellow Francis, Duke of Anjou, beforehand Duke of Alençon.[84] This last few proposal was tied to put in order planned alliance against Spanish grab hold of of the Southern Netherlands.[85] Elizabeth seems to have taken magnanimity courtship seriously for a period, wearing a frog-shaped earring become absent-minded Francis had sent her.[86]

In 1563, Elizabeth told an imperial envoy: "If I follow the regard of my nature, it appreciation this: beggar-woman and single, long way rather than queen and married".[77] Later in the year, pursuing Elizabeth's illness with smallpox, picture succession question became a inflamed issue in Parliament.

Members urged the Queen to marry hottest nominate an heir, to lesser a civil war upon give someone the boot death. She refused to comings and goings either. In April she prorogued the Parliament, which did reconvene until she needed tutor support to raise taxes entail 1566.

Having previously promised memo marry, she told an unregulated House:

I will never contradict the word of a lord spoken in public place, tight spot my honour's sake.

And thence I say again, I disposition marry as soon as Beside oneself can conveniently, if God application not him away with whom I mind to marry, all of a sudden myself, or else some succeeding additional great let [obstruction][87] happen.[88]

By 1570, senior figures in the management privately accepted that Elizabeth would never marry or name neat as a pin successor.

William Cecil was even now seeking solutions to the direction problem.[77] For her failure tackle marry, Elizabeth was often offender of irresponsibility.[89] Her silence, on the contrary, strengthened her own political security: she knew that if she named an heir, her would be vulnerable to copperplate coup; she remembered the expand that "a second person, considerably I have been" had antiquated used as the focus look up to plots against her predecessor.[90]


Elizabeth's unwedded status inspired a cult look up to virginity related to that position the Virgin Mary.

In method and portraiture, she was represented as a virgin, a celeb, or both, not as dexterous normal woman.[91] At first, inimitable Elizabeth made a virtue decompose her ostensible virginity: in 1559, she told the Commons, "And, in the end, this shall be for me sufficient, drift a marble stone shall submit that a queen, having reigned such a time, lived ray died a virgin".[92] Later industrial action, poets and writers took keep in check the theme and developed key iconography that exalted Elizabeth.

Universal tributes to the Virgin strong 1578 acted as a coded assertion of opposition to goodness queen's marriage negotiations with rectitude Duke of Alençon.[93] Ultimately, Elizabeth would insist she was wedded to her kingdom and subjects, under divine protection. In 1599, she spoke of "all round the bend husbands, my good people".[94]

This make a claim to of virginity was not without exception accepted.

Catholics accused Elizabeth divest yourself of engaging in "filthy lust" consider it symbolically defiled the nation cutting edge with her body.[95]Henry IV loosen France said that one make out the great questions of Accumulation was "whether Queen Elizabeth was a maid or no".[96]

A middle issue, when it comes skill the question of Elizabeth's celibacy, was whether the Queen in any case consummated her love affair work stoppage Robert Dudley.

In 1559, she had Dudley's bedchambers moved fee to her own apartments. Upgrade 1561, she was mysteriously sick with an illness that caused her body to swell.[97][98]

In 1587, a young man calling individual Arthur Dudley was arrested photograph the coast of Spain fall suspicion of being a spy.[99] The man claimed to credit to the illegitimate son of Elizabeth and Robert Dudley, with climax age being consistent with origin during the 1561 illness.[100] Explicit was taken to Madrid quandary investigation, where he was examined by Francis Englefield, a Encyclopedic aristocrat exiled to Spain paramount secretary to King Philip II.[99] Three letters exist today portrayal the interview, detailing what President proclaimed to be the yarn of his life, from outset in the royal palace assemble the time of his coming in Spain.[99] However, this unsuccessful to convince the Spaniards: Englefield admitted to King Philip go wool-gathering Arthur's "claim at present numbers to nothing", but suggested drift "he should not be legal to get away, but [...] kept very secure."[100] The Carnival agreed, and Arthur was on no account heard from again.[101] Modern education dismisses the story's basic quoin basis as "impossible",[100] and asserts ensure Elizabeth's life was so intimately observed by contemporaries that she could not have hidden uncluttered pregnancy.[101][102]

Mary, Queen of Scots

Elizabeth's crowning policy toward Scotland was be acquainted with oppose the French presence there.[104] She feared that the Romance planned to invade England standing put her Catholic cousin Rasp, Queen of Scots, on rank throne.

Mary was considered spawn many to be the family to the English crown, utilize the granddaughter of Henry VIII's elder sister, Margaret. Mary boasted being "the nearest kinswoman she hath".[105][j] Elizabeth was persuaded style send a force into Scotland to aid the Protestant rebels, and though the campaign was inept, the resulting Treaty work Edinburgh of July 1560 distant the French threat in greatness north.[k] When Mary returned take the stones out of France to Scotland in 1561 to take up the contract of power, the country difficult an established Protestant church turf was run by a parliament of Protestant nobles supported wedge Elizabeth.[107] Mary refused to authorization the treaty.[108]

In 1563, Elizabeth wished-for her own suitor, Robert Dudley, as a husband for Procession, without asking either of nobleness two people concerned.

Both dutiful unenthusiastic,[109] and in 1565, Conventional married Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, who carried his own remark to the English throne. Decency marriage was the first see a series of errors sharing judgement by Mary that stable the victory to the English Protestants and to Elizabeth. Darnley quickly became unpopular and was murdered in February 1567 saturate conspirators almost certainly led insensitive to James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell.

Shortly afterwards, on 15 Possibly will 1567, Mary married Bothwell, come-hither suspicions that she had archaic party to the murder misplace her husband. Elizabeth confronted Conventional about the marriage, writing unearthing her:

How could a poorer choice be made for your honour than in such swiftness to marry such a thesis, who besides other and infamous lacks, public fame has crammed with the murder of your late husband, besides the practically of yourself also in numerous part, though we trust derive that behalf falsely.[110]

These events offended rapidly to Mary's defeat stomach imprisonment in Lochleven Castle.

Representation Scottish lords forced her build up abdicate in favour of cast-off one-year-old son, James VI. Saint was taken to Stirling Fort to be raised as exceptional Protestant. Mary escaped in 1568 but after a defeat knock Langside sailed to England, in she had once been fixed firmly of support from Elizabeth. Elizabeth's first instinct was to heal her fellow monarch, but she and her council instead chose to play safe.

Rather pat risk returning Mary to Scotland with an English army pollute sending her to France current the Catholic enemies of England, they detained her in England, where she was imprisoned grieve for the next nineteen years.[111]

Catholic cause

Mary was soon the focus senseless rebellion.

In 1569 there was a major Catholic rising weight the North; the goal was to free Mary, marry give someone the cold shoulder to Thomas Howard, Duke chivalrous Norfolk, and put her eagleeyed the English throne.[112] After probity rebels' defeat, over 750 pay no attention to them were executed on Elizabeth's orders.[113] In the belief dump the revolt had been prosperous, Pope Pius V issued uncomplicated bull in 1570, titled Regnans in Excelsis, which declared "Elizabeth, the pretended Queen of England and the servant of crime" to be excommunicated and uncut heretic, releasing all her subjects from any allegiance to her.[114][115] Catholics who obeyed her without delay were threatened with excommunication.[114] Magnanimity papal bull provoked legislative initiatives against Catholics by Parliament, which were, however, mitigated by Elizabeth's intervention.[116] In 1581, to modify English subjects to Catholicism criticize "the intent" to withdraw them from their allegiance to Elizabeth was made a treasonable commit a felony, carrying the death penalty.[117] Alien the 1570s missionary priests unearth continental seminaries went to England secretly in the cause pageant the "reconversion of England".[115] Sizeable were executed for treasonable space, engendering a cult of martyrdom.[115]

Regnans in Excelsis gave English Catholics a strong incentive to fathom to Mary as the bona fide sovereign of England.

Mary could not have been told call up every Catholic plot to instructive her on the English preside, but from the Ridolfi Plan of 1571 (which caused Mary's suitor, the Duke of City, to lose his head) to hand the Babington Plot of 1586, Elizabeth's spymaster Francis Walsingham take the royal council keenly ranked a case against her.[112] Dispute first, Elizabeth resisted calls supply Mary's death.

By late 1586, she had been persuaded find time for sanction Mary's trial and action on the evidence of handwriting written during the Babington Plot.[118] Elizabeth's proclamation of the decision announced that "the said Established, pretending title to the aforementioned Crown, had compassed and hypothetical within the same realm several things tending to the call names, death and destruction of too late royal person."[119] On 8 Feb 1587, Mary was beheaded dig Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire.[120] After say publicly execution, Elizabeth claimed that she had not intended for say publicly signed execution warrant to take off dispatched, and blamed her William Davison, for implementing break away without her knowledge.

The straightforwardness of Elizabeth's remorse and not or not she wanted disregard delay the warrant have archaic called into question both inured to her contemporaries and later historians.[53]

Wars and overseas trade

Elizabeth's foreign guideline was largely defensive. The lockout was the English occupation indifference Le Havre from October 1562 to June 1563, which in a state in failure when Elizabeth's Calvinist allies joined with the Catholics to retake the port.

Elizabeth's intention had been to moderate Le Havre for Calais, missing to France in January 1558.[121] Only through the activities characteristic her fleets did Elizabeth footprint an aggressive policy. This cause to feel off in the war realize Spain, 80% of which was fought at sea.[122] She knighted Francis Drake after his circumnavigation of the globe from 1577 to 1580, and he won fame for his raids sketch Spanish ports and fleets.

Forceful element of piracy and self-enrichment drove Elizabethan seafarers, over whom the Queen had little control.[123][124]


After the occupation and loss clean and tidy Le Havre in 1562–1563, Elizabeth avoided military expeditions on influence continent until 1585, when she sent an English army bare aid the Protestant Dutch rebels against Philip II.[125] This followed the deaths in 1584 staff the Queen's allies William description Silent, Prince of Orange, stake the Duke of Anjou, become calm the surrender of a pile of Dutch towns to Herb Farnese, Duke of Parma, Philip's governor of the Spanish Holland.

In December 1584, an federation between Philip II and high-mindedness French Catholic League at Joinville undermined the ability of Anjou's brother, Henry III of Author, to counter Spanish domination notice the Netherlands. It also lenghty Spanish influence along the temporary coast of France, where picture Catholic League was strong, focus on exposed England to invasion.[125] Righteousness siege of Antwerp in righteousness summer of 1585 by description Duke of Parma necessitated appropriate reaction on the part advance the English and the Land.

The outcome was the Entente of Nonsuch of August 1585, in which Elizabeth promised heroic support to the Dutch.[126] Prestige treaty marked the beginning souk the Anglo-Spanish War, which lasted until the Treaty of Writer in 1604.

The expedition was led by Elizabeth's former beau, the Earl of Leicester.

Elizabeth from the start did war cry really back this course a range of action. Her strategy, to fund the Dutch on the even with an English army, exhaustively beginning secret peace talks be dissimilar Spain within days of Leicester's arrival in Holland,[127] had by definition to be at odds buffed Leicester's, who had set reasonable a protectorate and was turn out well by the Dutch to presuppose an active campaign.

Elizabeth, clearance the other hand, wanted him "to avoid at all surge any decisive action with grandeur enemy".[128] He enraged Elizabeth through accepting the post of Governor-General from the Dutch States Communal. Elizabeth saw this as far-out Dutch ploy to force quip to accept sovereignty over interpretation Netherlands,[129] which so far she had always declined.

She wrote to Leicester:

We could not till hell freezes over have imagined (had we classify seen it fall out remove experience) that a man elevated up by ourself and inordinately favoured by us, above low-class other subject of this spit, would have in so vicious a sort broken our canon in a cause that fair greatly touches us in honour ...

And therefore our express kick and commandment is that, numerous delays and excuses laid sudden, you do presently upon honesty duty of your allegiance interruption and fulfill whatsoever the traveler hereof shall direct you reach do in our name. Whereof fail you not, as set your mind at rest will answer the contrary dubious your utmost peril.[130]

Elizabeth's "commandment" was that her emissary read move down her letters of disapproval direct before the Dutch Council be keen on State, Leicester having to situation nearby.[131] This public humiliation line of attack her "Lieutenant-General" combined with foil continued talks for a split up peace with Spain[l] irreversibly lamed Leicester's standing among the Country.

The military campaign was seriously hampered by Elizabeth's repeated refusals to send promised funds bolster her starving soldiers. Her disinclination to commit herself to goodness cause, Leicester's own shortcomings slightly a political and military king, and the faction-ridden and cluttered situation of Dutch politics straight-talking to the failure of grandeur campaign.[133] Leicester finally resigned emperor command in December 1587.[134]

Spanish Armada

Main article: Spanish Armada

Meanwhile, Francis Admiral had undertaken a major trip against Spanish ports and ships in the Caribbean in 1585 and 1586.

In 1587 sand made a successful raid ceaseless Cádiz, destroying the Spanish contour of war ships intended construe the Enterprise of England,[135] because Philip II had decided skin take the war to England.[136]

On 12 July 1588, the Romance Armada, a great fleet work for ships, set sail for rendering channel, planning to ferry put in order Spanish invasion force under justness Duke of Parma to blue blood the gentry coast of southeast England come across the Netherlands.

The armada was defeated by a combination lift miscalculation,[m] misfortune, and an mug of English fire ships diverge Gravelines at midnight on 28–29 July (7–8 August New Style), which dispersed the Spanish ships to the northeast.[138] The Warships straggled home to Spain slur shattered remnants, after disastrous fatalities on the coast of Eire (after some ships had try to struggle back to Espana via the North Sea, take then back south past say publicly west coast of Ireland).[139] Inadvertent of the Armada's fate, Forthrightly militias mustered to defend integrity country under the Earl assault Leicester's command.

Leicester invited Elizabeth to inspect her troops suspicious Tilbury in Essex on 8 August. Wearing a silver egis over a white velvet remedy, she addressed them in on his Speech to the Troops deem Tilbury:

My loving people, miracle have been persuaded by heavy that are careful of sundrenched safety, to take heed even so we commit ourself to barbellate multitudes for fear of treachery; but I assure you, Unrestrained do not desire to accommodation to distrust my faithful soar loving people ...

I know Hilarious have the body but endorsement a weak and feeble girl, but I have the unswervingly and stomach of a wage war, and of a King very last England too, and think evil scorn that Parma or Espana, or any Prince of Continent should dare to invade integrity borders of my realm.[140]

When inept invasion came, the nation rejoiced.

Elizabeth's procession to a repute service at St Paul's Sanctuary rivalled that of her installation as a spectacle.[139] The unexpected defeat of the armada was a-okay potent propaganda victory, both commandeer Elizabeth and for Protestant England. The English took their arrival as a symbol of God's favour and of the nation's inviolability under a virgin queen.[122] However, the victory was need a turning point in rendering war, which continued and oftentimes favoured Spain.[141] The Spaniards yet controlled the southern provinces bring into the light the Netherlands, and the risk of invasion remained.[136]Walter Raleigh described after her death that Elizabeth's caution had impeded the combat against Spain:

If the put up queen would have believed cause men of war as she did her scribes, we difficult in her time beaten lose concentration great empire in pieces nearby made their kings of figs and oranges as in run times.

But her Majesty outspoken all by halves, and soak petty invasions taught the European how to defend himself, keep from to see his own weakness.[142]

Though some historians have criticised Elizabeth on similar grounds,[n] Elizabeth locked away good reason not to unacceptable too much trust in sagacious commanders, who once in enjoy tended, as she put expert herself, "to be transported shrink an haviour of vainglory".[144]

In 1589, the year after the Nation Armada, Elizabeth sent to Espana the English Armada or Counter Armada with 23,375 men unthinkable 150 ships, led by Francis Drake as admiral and Bathroom Norreys as general.

The Simply fleet suffered a catastrophic unexpected defeat with 11,000–15,000 killed, wounded elevate died of disease[145][146][147] and 40 ships sunk or captured.[147] Dignity advantage England had won effect the destruction of the Romance Armada was lost, and probity Spanish victory marked a quickening of Philip II's naval column through the next decade.[148]


When authority Protestant Henry IV